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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

Install and Configure Platform SDKs and Their Emulators

Having installed Volt MX Iris, you’re now ready to install and configure the software development kits (SDKs) and emulators for the platforms that you intend to run your digital app on. During the Volt MX Iris installation, you’re given the opportunity to download and install various SDKs. If you took advantage of that opportunity, you already have a head start on this part of the process. The instructions that follow accommodate both scenarios.

Technically, only one SDK is essential for Volt MX Iris to build a generic mobile app, and that’s the Java Development Kit (JDK). If, during the installation of Volt MX Iris, a compatible version of the JDK was not detected on your computer, Volt MX Iris automatically installed the JDK. However, to develop mobile apps for other platforms, you need to install those platform’s respective SDKs.

Volt MX Iris supports the following platform SDKs and their emulators. Click a platform for instructions on how to install and configure it.

iOS SDK and simulator

Android SDK and emulator

Windows SDK and emulator