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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

Data Provider

With the DataProvider interface, you can customize how you establish a connection and generate a response to a third party service. By reading the service definition, DataProvider forms the request metadata and then parses the response as per the service definition. The DataProvider.execute() method is implemented such that after execution, the DataControllerResponse object is populated with the response, CharacterEncoding, and status code.

Sample Data Provider

The following is a sample DataProvider file.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.common.DataProvider;
import com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.controller.DataControllerRequest;
import com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.controller.DataControllerResponse;
import com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.exceptions.ConnectorException;
public class SampleDataProvider implements DataProvider {@
    public void execute(String arg0, DataControllerRequest arg1,
        DataControllerResponse DCresponse, String arg3, Map < String, String > arg4,
        List < File > arg5, HashMap arg6) throws ConnectorException {
        System.out.println(":::::::entered:::SAMPLE DATAPROVIDER:");
        System.out.println(":::::::DataController Request::::" + arg1.toString());
        System.out.println(":::::::DataController Request::::" + arg0.toString());
        //System.out.println(":::::::DataController Request::::"+arg3.toString());
        //Respose generation
        String xmlResult = "" +
            "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">" +
            "<soap:Body>" +
            "<AllPlayerNamesResponse xmlns:m=\"\">" +
            "<AllPlayerNamesResult>" +
            "<tPlayerNames>" +
            "<iId>1434</iId>" +
            "<sName>Lucas Barrios</sName>" +
            "<sCountryName>Winner SF-II</sCountryName>" +
            "<sCountryFlag></sCountryFlag>" +
            "</tPlayerNames>" +
            "<tPlayerNames>" +
            "<iId>715</iId>" +
            "<sName>Alexander Frei</sName>" +
            "<sCountryName>Winner SF-II</sCountryName>" +
            "<sCountryFlag></sCountryFlag>" +
            "</tPlayerNames>" +
            "</AllPlayerNamesResult>" +
            "</AllPlayerNamesResponse>" +
            "</soap:Body>" +
        //Data Response setting


        //System.out.println(":::::::DataController Request::::"+DCresponse.toString());