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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

Jump to the Definition of a Code Element

As you’re working on code, you can jump to the location where a given element of code is defined, such as a function or variable. Doing so expedites your coding by making it easy for you to identify a code element, such as what a particular function does.

To jump to the definition of a code element, do the following:

  1. Do one of these two actions:
    • If you have a code module open such as a .js file, place the insertion point anywhere within the code element that you want to find the definition for. It isn’t necessary to highlight the code element.
    • If the definition you’re seeking is for a function in the search results of the Search tab, click the function in the search results that you want to find the definition for.
  2. While holding down the Alt key, press the period key (i.e. Alt + .). Volt MX Iris opens the asset that contains the code element to the line number where the code element is defined.