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NativeContainer Properties

The properties for NativeContainer Widget are:

anchorPoint Property

Specifies the anchor point of the widget bounds rectangle using the widget's coordinate space.






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The value for this property is a JavaScript dictionary object with the keys "x" and "y". The values for the "x" and "y" keys are floating-point numbers ranging from 0 to 1. All geometric manipulations to the widget occur about the specified point. For example, applying a rotation transform to a widget with the default anchor point causes the widget to rotate around its center.

The default value for this property is center ( {"x":0.5, "y":0.5} ), that represents the center of the widgets bounds rectangle. The behavior is undefined if the values are outside the range zero (0) to one (1).


Form1.widget1.anchorPoint = {
    "x": 0.5,
    "y": 0.5

Platform Availibility

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

enable Property

The enable property is used to control the actionability of the widgets. In a scenario where you want to display a widget but not invoke any action on the widget, configure the enable property to false to achieve it.

This is a constructor level property and applicable for all widgets in VoltMX Iris.






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The default value of this property is true.

When enable property is configured to true, the action associated with a widget can be invoked by the user in the application.

When enable property is configured to false, the action associated with a widget cannot be invoked by the user in the application.


//This is a generic property and is applicable for many widgets.  

/*The example provided is for the Button widget. Make the changes required in the example while using other widgets.*/

frmButton.myBtn.enable= true;

Platform Availibility

  • Android, iOS, Windows, SPA, and Desktop web

id Property

id is a unique identifier of the NativeContainer Widget consisting of alphanumeric characters. Every widget should have a unique ID within a form.






Can be set only at the time of widget construction.

Read only

Platform Availibility

  • iOS
  • Android

isVisible Property

The property controls the visibility of the NativeContainer Widget on the form.






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The default value of the property is true.

If set to false, the widget is not displayed.

If set to true, the widget is displayed.

Platform Availibility

  • iOS
  • Android

retainContentAlignment Property

This property is used to retain the content alignment property value, as it was defined.

Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.

The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.

function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) {
    return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled &&
    ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true &&

The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.

Properties Local Flag Value Widget Flag Value Action
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true false Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true not specified Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.






No (only during widget-construction time)


//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the retainContentAlignment property for Button widget.
/*You need to make a corresponding use of the 
retainContentAlignment property for other applicable widgets.*/
var btn = new voltmx.ui.Button({
    "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus",
    "height": "50dp",
    "id": "myButton",
    "isVisible": true,
    "left": "0dp",
    "skin": "defBtnNormal",
    "text": "text always from top left",
    "top": "0dp",
    "width": "260dp",
    "zIndex": 1
}, {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT,
    "displayText": true,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false,
    "retainFlexPositionProperties": false,
    "retainContentAlignment": true
}, {});

Platform Availibility

  • Available in IDE
  • Windows, iOS, Android, and SPA

retainFlexPositionProperties Property

This property is used to retain flex positional property values as they were defined. The flex positional properties are left, right, and padding.

Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.

The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.

function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) {
    return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled &&
    ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true &&

The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.

Properties Local Flag Value Widget Flag Value Action
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true false Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true not specified Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.






No (only during widget-construction time)


//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the retainFlexPositionProperties property for Button widget.
/*You need to make a corresponding use of the 
retainFlexPositionProperties property for other applicable widgets.*/
var btn = new voltmx.ui.Button({
    "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus",
    "height": "50dp",
    "id": "myButton",
    "isVisible": true,
    "left": "0dp",
    "skin": "defBtnNormal",
    "text": "always left",
    "top": "0dp",
    "width": "260dp",
    "zIndex": 1
}, {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
    "displayText": true,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false,
    "retainFlexPositionProperties": true,
    "retainContentAlignment": false
}, {});

Platform Availibility

  • Available in IDE
  • Windows, iOS, Android, and SPA

retainFlowHorizontalAlignment Property

This property is used to convert Flow Horizontal Left to Flow Horizontal Right.

Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.

The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.

function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) {
    return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled &&
    ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true &&

The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.

Properties Local Flag Value Widget Flag Value Action
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true false Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties true not specified Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties false not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified true Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified false Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties not specified not specified Use the Design/Model-specific default layout.






No (only during widget-construction time)


//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the retainFlowHorizontalAlignment property for Button widget.
/*You need to make a corresponding use of the 
retainFlowHorizontalAlignment property for other applicable widgets. */
var btn = new voltmx.ui.Button({
 "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus",
 "height": "50dp",
 "id": "myButton",
 "isVisible": true,
 "left": "0dp",
 "skin": "defBtnNormal",
 "text": "always left",
 "top": "0dp",
 "width": "260dp",
 "zIndex": 1
}, {
 "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
 "displayText": true,
 "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
 "paddingInPixel": false,
 "retainFlexPositionProperties": true,
 "retainContentAlignment": false,
 "retainFlowHorizontalAlignment ": false
}, {});

Platform Availibility

  • Available in IDE
  • Windows, iOS, Android, and SPA

transform Property

Contains an animation transformation that can be used to animate the widget.






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This property is set to the identify transform by default. Any transformations applied to the widget occur relative to the widget's anchor point. The transformation contained in this property must be created using the voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform function.


This example uses the button widget, but the principle remains the same for all widgets that have a transform property.

//Animation sample
var newTransform = voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform();
newTransform.translate3D(223, 12, 56);

//translates by 223 xAxis,12 in yAxis,56 in zAxis
widget.transform = newTransform;

Platform Availibility

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

type Property

Denotes the type of the NativeContainer Widget in the JS layer.






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When you call the voltmx.types API on the created voltmx.ui.NativeContainer object in JS layer, there are two possibilities:

  1. If the type property is set to the voltmx.ui.NativeContainer JS object, the voltmx.types API returns the string value set for the type property.
  2. If the type property is not set to the voltmx.ui.NativeContainer JS object, the voltmx.types API returns the string voltmx.ui.NativeContainer.

Platform Availibility

  • Android
  • iOS