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  • base64

    Returns the base64 encoded string of the image raw bytes. It is applicable for few widgets such as Image, Camera, and SignatureCapture widgets.

  • Basic Properties

    Widgets properties are classified into three groups. Basic properties, Layout Properties and Platform Specific Properties. Most of the Basic Properties are applicable for all platforms.When you hand code the properties should be put in basic bucket. Some of the Basic Properties are ID, skin, focusSkin and so on.

  • blockedUISkin

    Specifies the skin that must be used to block the interface until the action in progress (for example, a service call) is completed.

  • CheckBoxGroup

    The CheckBoxGroup widget allows you to make one or more selections from a group of check boxes. If you select a check box, a check mark appears inside the check box to indicate the selection.

  • ComboBoxGroup

    The ComboBox is a widget that allows you to select a single item from a drop-down list. When you select an item from the drop-down list, the selected item is displayed on the ComboBox.

  • containerWeight

    Specifies percentage of width to be allocated by its parent widget. The parent widget space is distributed to its child widgets based on this weight factor. All its child widgets should sum up to 100% of weight except when placed in voltmx.ui.ScrollBox.

  • DataGrid

    The DataGrid widget allows you to present a collection of data in rows and columns (tabular format). You can use this widget to show a read-only view of a small amount of data in a tabular format.

  • Event

    Events are functions that are associated with respective widgets are executed to perform a sequence of actions, when the condition is satisfied.

  • focusSkin

    This is a skin property and it determines the look and feel when there is focus on a widget.

  • footers

    A footer is a section of the form that is docked at the bottom of the form (does not scroll along with the content of the form). These footers can be reused across forms.

  • Form

    A Form is a visual area (basic application screen) that holds other widgets. You can use a form to set a title and scroll content (similar to a web browser). The entire contents of the form except the headers and footers scroll together. A form is also the top most container widget. A form can contain any number of widgets but cannot contain another form.

  • HBox

    An (HBox) is used to layout widgets in a single horizontal orientation. It can contain any number of widgets. However, due to form size limitations, it is advisable not to place many widgets in a HBox.

  • headers

    A header is a section of the form that is docked at the top of the form (does not scroll along with the content of the form). These headers can be reused across forms.

  • hExpand

    Specifies if the widget should occupy all the width available to it.

  • HorizontalImageStrip

    HorizontalImageStrip also called as Hz Image Strip displays a list of images which are aligned side-by-side in the horizontal direction. You can scroll through the Hz Image Strip to view the next or previous set of images.

  • hoverSkin

    Specifies the look and feel of a widget when the cursor hovers on the widget.

  • id

    id is a unique identifier of widget consisting of alpha numeric characters. Every widget should have a unique id within a form.

  • Image

    Image widget is a non-interactive widget that you can use to display a graphic (local or remote) from a PNG file.

  • ImageGallery

    ImageGallery represents a set of images adjacent to each other. If the images exceed the row size, they are pushed to the next line.

  • info

    A custom JSObject with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget. This will help in avoiding the globals to most part of the programming.

  • isVisible

    This property controls the visibility of a widget on the form.

  • Label

    Label widget is used to display non-editable text on the form and is non-interactive.

  • Layout Properties

    Widgets properties are classified into three groups. Basic properties, Layout Properties and Platform Specific Properties. Most of the Layout Properties are applicable for all platforms.When you hand code the properties should be put in layout bucket. Some of the properties that fall under layout bucket are margin, padding, containerWeight, widgetAlignment and so on.

  • Line

    The Line widget allows you to draw a horizontal or a vertical line on a form. It is used as a separator between widgets for a better visual experience.

  • Link

    Link widget allows you to define a hyperlink that you can interact with (select and click) and navigate to an external location or a location within the application.

  • ListBox

    List Box displays a list of items as a drop-down box and allows you to select a single item at a time.

  • Map

    A Map widget provides you the capability to display pre-defined locations (latitude and longitude) on an onscreen map. Platforms like iPhone (above 3.0), and Android provide a native map widget that can be displayed as part of the application.

  • margin

    Defines the space around a widget. You can use this option to define the left, top, right, and bottom distance between the widget and the next element.

  • MenuItem

    MenuItem is a choice on the Menu. It is typically a command or function such as Application Logout, Form Exit, Sending SMS, or other options that you can select inside a Menu.

  • Method

    Methods are procedures that are associated with respective widgets to access the data stored in an instance of the class to control the state of the instance.

  • ObjectSelector3D

    The ObjectSelector3D widget can be used for allowing the user to select homogeneous objects arranged on a two-dimensional grid. It provides the user with a three-dimensional graphical view of the objects which makes it more attractive than regular two-dimensional images. It has two modes, a selection mode and a walk-through mode.

  • padding

    Defines the space between the content of the widget and the widget boundaries. You can use this option to define the top, left, right, and bottom distance between the widget content and the widget boundary.

  • Phone

    A Phone widget, when placed in an application, allows you to launch the native phone dialer and initiate a phone call to the number that is displayed on it. It appears as a button on the Form and the phone number is displayed on it either in the number format or the phone spell text. When the user selects the phone widget, the native dialer is launched to make a phone call.

  • PickerView

    A PickerView widget uses a spinning wheel metaphor to display multiple sets of values and allows you to select a single combination of values. You can select a single combination of values by rotating the wheels and aligning the desired row of values with the selection indicator.

  • Platform Specific Properties

    The platform specific properties allow you to have a native look and feel on the respective platforms.

  • Popup

    Popup is a visual component that displays content on top of existing content, within the bounds of the application window. Generally a popup is displayed in the center of the screen on top of the Form from which you have invoked the popup. It does not span the entire screen width.Popups allow you to partition UI design into smaller parts.

  • RadioButtonGroup

    RadioButtonGroup is a widget that allows you to define a set of radio buttons and the user can choose one of it as an option. A radio button usually contains a small circle with text next to it. When you make a selection, a dot appears in the circle to indicate your selection.

  • RichText

    RichText widget is used to display non-editable and well formatted text on the Form. HTML formatting tags are used in RichText widget to display text with styles (bold, underlined etc.), links, and images. You can use a RichText widget to show a read-only text.

  • ScrollBox

    A ScrollBox is a scrollable container which allows you to scroll the content within horizontally and vertically. A ScrollBox can contain any widget except a Tab pane.

  • SegmentedUI

    A SegmentedUI consists of multiple segments (rows or records) and each segment (row or record) can have multiple child widgets.

  • SignatureCapture

    A SignatureCapture widget enables you to capture a signature on a form and save it as an image for easy uploading.

  • skin

    Specifies the look and feel of the widget when not in focus.

  • Slider

    Slider widget allows you to select a value from a defined range of values by moving the thumb (an indicator) in a horizontal direction. The Slider widget consists of a seekbar (or track) and a thumb (a control that you can slide). You can optionally choose to display a minimum value and a maximum value.

  • Switch

    The Switch widget is identical to the Switch Control (on-off switch which is non customizable) in iPhone and presents two mutually exclusive choices or states.

  • TabPane

    TabPane widget is a container widget that allows you to organize multiple tabs within it. Each Tab will in turn hold a collection of widgets within the same area of the Form. You can only view one Tab a time.

  • TextArea

    TextArea is used to provide an editable field for the user to enter text which spans over multiple lines. You can use the TextArea widget to provide a field where a user can enter multiple lines of text.

  • TextBox

    TextBox widget is an editable text component that can be placed on a form and is used to obtain an input from a user. You can use the TextBox widget to provide a field where a user can enter input text.

  • toolTip

    Specifies the hint text when the cursor hovers over a widget, without clicking it. The text entered in the tooltip appears as a small box when the cursor hovers over a widget.

  • vBox

    A VBox is used to layout widgets in a single vertical orientation. It can contain any number of widgets. However, due to form size limitations, it is advisable not to place many widgets in a VBox.

  • vExpand

    Specifies the widget expansion in the vertical direction.

  • Video

    Video widget enables you to play a video (by streaming data from a server) within a form. You can add a video widget only within a container widget.

  • widgetAlignment

    Indicates how a widget is to be anchored with respect to its parent. Each of the options have a horizontal alignment attribute and a vertical alignment attribute. For example, WIDGET_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT specifies the vertical alignment as TOP and horizontal alignment as LEFT.