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Canvas Widget

The Canvas widget behaves as a drawing board that allows you to draw shapes such as circles, polygons, lines, etc. on your app. Currently, Canvas widget can be used to draw only lines.

The Canvas widget can be created only by using code.

Some real-world scenarios where you can use a Canvas widget are as follows:

  • To use as a line separator when a list of items is mentioned.
  • To display more than one focal point on a web-page, use dashed/ dotted lines to divide the page.
  • To highlight a feature newly introduced in an app such as coupons, and updates.

The Canvas widget capabilities can be broadly categorized into the following:

3D Touch

Methods Description
registerForPeekandPop Registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.
setOnPeek Sets and overrides the existing onPeekCallback for the widget.
setOnPop Overrides the existing onPopCallback for the widget.
unregisterForPeekandPop Unregisters a widget from 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.


Events Description
doLayout Invoked for every widget when the widget position and dimensions are computed.
Properties Description
bottom Determines the bottom edge of the widget and is measured from the bottom bounds of the parent container.
centerX Determines the center of a widget measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
centerY Determines the center of a widget measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
height It determines the height of the widget and measured along the y-axis.
left Determines the lower left corner edge of the widget and is measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
maxHeight Specifies the maximum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
maxWidth Specifies the maximum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
minHeight Specifies the minimum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
minWidth Specifies the minimum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
right Determines the lower right corner of the widget and is measured from the right bounds of the parent container.
top Determines the top edge of the widget and measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
width Determines the width of the widget and is measured along the x-axis.
zIndex Specifies the stack order of a widget.

Shapes Configuration

Properties Description
shapesData Specifies the configuration for the shapes drawn in Canvas widget.
Methods Description
addShapes This method helps you to add shapes to the Canvas widget.
clear This method clears all the shapes drawn inside the Canvas widget.
removeShapes This method deletes specific shapes drawn inside the Canvas widget.
updateShapes This method helps you to update the positional parameters of the shapes inside the Canvas widget.

UI Appearance

Properties Description
opacity Specifies the opacity of the widget.
skin Specifies the look and feel of Canvas widget.

User Input Handling

Events Description
onScrollWidgetPosition This event callback is invoked by the platform when the widget location position gets changed on scrolling.
onTouchEnd An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touch is released from the touch surface.
onTouchMove An event callback is invoked by the platform when the touch moves on the touch surface continuously until movement ends.
onTouchStart An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touches the touch surface.
Methods Description
addGestureRecognizer Allows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.
removeGestureRecognizer Allows you to remove the specified gesture recognizer for the specified widget.
setGestureRecognizer Allows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.

Configurations Common To All Widgets

Methods Description
clone When this method is used on a container widget, then all the widgets inside the container are cloned.
convertPointFromWidget Allows you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).
convertPointToWidget Allows you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).
removeFromParent Allows you to remove a child widget from a parent widget.
setVisibility Use this method to set the visibility of the widget.
Properties Description
cursorType Specifies the type of the mouse pointer used.
id id is a unique identifier of the widget consisting of alpha numeric characters.
isVisible Controls the visibility of the widget on the form.
info A custom JSObject with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget.
parent Helps you access the parent of the widget.

Canvas Widget Basics

The Canvas widget enables you to draw shapes like lines (in any orientation), circles, rectangle, etc. in your application. Canvas widget draws the shapes inside its view bounds, by using the shape configurations provided in the shapesData property.

Creating a Canvas Widget Using the Constructor: voltmx.ui.Canvas

var myCanvas = new voltmx.ui.Canvas(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);
  • basicConf is an object with basic properties.
  • layoutConf is an object with layout properties.
  • pspConf is an object with platform specific properties.


// Defining properties for a Canvas widget with the id:canvasWidgetRef
var basicConf = {
    "height": "200px",
    "id": "canvasWidgetRef",
    "isVisible": true,
    "left": "10%",
    "skin": "skinCanvas",
    "top": "10%",
    "width": "200px",
    "zIndex": 1,
    //Adding the configuration of the shape with shapeid:shape1. 
    "shapesData": [{
        "shapeid": "shape1",
        "shapeType": voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE,
        "lineStyle": voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_DOTTED,
        "lineStyleConfig": ["1px", "1px"],
        "thickness": "2px",
        "points": [
            ["10px", "10px"],
            ["100px", "10px"]
        strokeColor: "ff000000",
var layoutConf = {};
var pspConf = {};

//Creating the Canvas widget
var canvas = new voltmx.ui.Canvas(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);