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Map Templates

Note: SegmentedUI templates are supported only on Desktop Web platform.

What is a Template for Map callout

Map template enables you to define a template for callout with specified widgets. You can use the template on multiple maps and in multiple forms. This is primarily useful for developers to achieve common look and feel of the callout in the map widget and the changes made to template reflect across the maps.

Where to use a Map callout Template

Map templates are used in the following cases:

  • To have uniform look and feel of the callout with the specified widgets.
  • To display different callouts for different maps.
  • To perform an action on a callout.

Creating a Template for Map callout

When you want information to be displayed across all the Maps in the application, you have a provision to add a Map Template using Volt MX Iris. For more information about Map Templates refer VoltMX Iris User Guide.

To create a Map Template at the application-level, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Applications View.
  2. Expand the application for which you want to create the MapTemplate.
  3. Navigate to templates > maps, right-click mobile/desktop/tablet and select New Map Template. The Create a New Template window appears.
  1. Enter a Name for the template.
  2. Click Finish. A new form is created.
  3. Drag and drop a FlexContainer onto the form.

  4. Drag and drop the required widgets onto the FlexContainer. Set the properties of these widgets.

  5. A map template is created.

Using Map callout Template

You can define only one template for each map using the above process.

To use map template in an application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Applications view.
  2. Expand the application for which you want to use section template.
  3. Navigate to forms > mobile/tablet/desktop , right-click and select New Form. The Create a New Form window appears.
  4. Enter a name for the Form and click Finish. A new Form is created.
  5. If you are building for desktop, select the Form in desktop and right-click on the Form. Select Fork. The Platform Selection window appears.
  6. Select Desktop_web and click OK. The form is now forked for Desktop_web and new window appears as web_.

Note: The development activities for desktop web should happen in web_ only. Although the newly created form, remains accessible in the desktop forms.

  1. Drag-drop a Map on the Form and other widgets as required. Click Save.
  2. To set the template to a map, select the map and go to Properties window.
  3. Select calloutTemplate and Select/Search map Template window opens. Select the template, which you want to set to the segment.
  4. Click OK.