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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

voltmx.model Constants

The voltmx.model namespace provides the following constants.

voltmx.model.ExceptionCode Constants

Specifies the error code that occurred for the exception.

Constant Description
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_CREATE An error occurred while performing the create operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_CUSTOMVERB An error occurred while performing the operation specified by a custom verb.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_DELETE An error occurred while performing the delete operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_DELETE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY An error occurred while performing the delete by primary key operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_FETCH An error occurred while performing the fetch operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_FETCHING_DATA_FOR_COLUMNS An error occurred while fetching the data for the specified columns.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILURE An error occurred while trying to log in.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_UPDATE An error occurred while performing the update operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_VALIDATION_CREATE An error occurred while performing the validation create operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_VALIDATION_UPDATE An error occurred while performing the validation update operation.

voltmx.model.ValidationType Constants

Specifies the type of validation to be performed.

Constant Description
voltmx.model.constants.ValidationType.CREATE The operation creates a record in the backend data source.
voltmx.model.constants.ValidationType.UPDATE The operation updates a record in the backend data source.