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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

User Guide: Create a Volt MX Foundry Account

Accessing the Volt Foundry Console

Before you use various Volt Foundry services, you must create a Volt MX account by following these steps.

  1. Create a Volt MX Account
  2. Access the Volt Foundry Portal

Create a Volt MX Account

If you do not have a Volt MX account, follow these steps to create one:

  1. Go to and click START FOR FREE.

  2. On the Registration page, provide the required details and click Start Free Trial.

  3. When you receive your registration confirmation email, respond by clicking Activate Account.

  4. On the activation page, name your new account and pick a cloud location. Provide the other required details and click Activate My Account.

  5. On the next page, click Log in to Volt Foundry.

  6. Enter your account credentials on the Sign in to your Account page.

  7. Click SIGN IN.

If you already have a Volt MX Account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to HCL Volt MX, and click START FOR FREE.

  2. On the registration page, click Log in here.

  3. Enter your Volt MX account credentials and click SIGN IN.

Access Volt Foundry Portal

To access your cloud account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to access paid cloud resources, or to access your trial environment.
  2. Enter your Volt Foundry credentials and click SIGN IN.

You are directed to your Volt Foundry Console.

From the Volt Foundry Console, you can use the lefthand navigation pane to access the following:

  • Apps:
    • The Foundry Apps tab lists existing apps. For more information on Applications, refer to Adding Applications.
    • The Iris Previews page lists the test live previews that you performed in a particular Cloud account. Volt Iris supports the Run Live Preview option that you can use to preview a prototype of your Iris application.
      For more information on How to user Live Preview in Volt Iris, see Live Preview.
    • The Iris Projects page lists the projects that you published to a particular Cloud. The Project tab in Volt Iris contains the Export > Cloud Project option.
      For more information on How to share a project on the Cloud, see Publish your project to the cloud.
  • API Management: Configure and manage (create, edit, and delete) app services (identity, integration, and orchestration) without linking or configuring them within an app.
  • Developer Portal: Allows you to create a Portal for exposing APIs created using Volt Foundry. Developers from internal and external partner teams can access the portal created to explore and test the APIs.
  • Clouds (Environments): For more information on Cloud/Environments, refer to Environments - Cloud.
  • Reports: For more information on Reports, refer to Custom metrics and reports.
  • Settings: Allows you to invite users associated with account roles such as admin, billing, and member.
  • Support: Displays links to the latest tutorials and articles and Developer resources from Base Camp Library. Click here for more information.

    Note: The release version of a console is displayed at the bottom left corner in the console menu pane. The release version is in the following format:
    <Major_version> <servicepack> <hotfix>
    For example: V9 SP2 FP1 HF7