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voltmx.filter Namespace

The voltmx.filter namespace provides your apps with the ability to create and manage filters for use with the Image widget. Information about the voltmx.filter namespace is presented in the following topics:


The voltmx.filter namespace provides the following function:

voltmx.filter.createFilter Function

Creates a new filter object for use with the Image widget.




var filterObj = voltmx.filter.createFilter();

Input Parameters


Return Values

A new filter object.

Platform Availability

Available on iOS and Android.


The voltmx.filter namespace contains the following constants:

Android Filters

The following filters are available on Android devices.

Filter NameFilter TypeDescription
AdditionCompositingvoltmx.filter.ADDITION_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
BoxBlurvoltmx.filter.BOX_BLURIncrease or decreases the blurriness of image.
Brightnessvoltmx.filter.BRIGHTNESSIncreases or decreases the brightness of an image.
ClearCompositingvoltmx.filter.CLEAR_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
ColorClampvoltmx.filter.COLOR_CLAMPThis filter clamps the colors of input image within the given range.
ColorInversionvoltmx.filter.COLOR_INVERSIONInverts the colors of given image. When this filter is applied, for each pixel having [R,G,B] components in given image, this filter inverts the color components of those pixels to [255-R, 255-G, 255-B]. Transparency or Alpha component is untouched
ColorMatrixvoltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIXThis filter transforms the colors of given image as per the input parameters
DarkenCompositingvoltmx.filter.DARKEN_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
EdgeDetectionvoltmx.filter.EDGE_DETECTIONDetects or Highlight the edges of given image.
Embossvoltmx.filter.EMBOSSApplies an embossing effect for a given image.
GaussianBlurvoltmx.filter.GAUSSIAN_BLURSpreads source pixels by an amount specified by a Gaussian distribution to increase the blurriness. Blurriness of this filter is smooth compared to BoxBlur.
Greyscalevoltmx.filter.GREYSCALEConverts given image to black & white or monochrome image.
MultiplyCompositingvoltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
LightenCompositingvoltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
OverlayCompositingvoltmx.filter.OVERLAY_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
SourceAtopCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_ATOP_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
ScreenCompositingvoltmx.filter.SCREEN_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
Sharpenvoltmx.filter.SHARPENIncreases the sharpness of image.
SourceInCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_IN_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
SourceOutCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_OUT_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
SourceOverCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_OVER_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
XorCompositingvoltmx.filter.XOR_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.

Filter Input Parameters

The filter object uses the following input parameters.

inputImageImage object
inputRadiusFloating point number
inputMaskMasking image
inputAngleFloating point number
inputNoiseLevelFloating point number
inputCenterArray of two values defining the (x,y) location of the center
inputScaleFloating point number
inputAmountFloating point number
inputSharpnessFloating point number
inputMinComponentsArray of four floating values
inputMaxComponentsArray of four floating values
inputSaturationFloating point number
inputBrightnessFloating point number
inputIntensityFloating point number
inputContrastFloating point number
inputRVectorArray of four floats
inputGVectorArray of four floats
inputBVectorArray of four floats
inputAVectorArray of four floats
inputBiasVectorArray of four floats
inputRedCoefficientsArray of four floats
inputGreenCoefficientsArray of four floats
inputBlueCoefficientsArray of four floats
inputAlphaCoefficientsArray of four floats
inputEVFloating point number
inputPowerFloating point number
inputNeutralArray of two floating point numbers
inputTargetNeutralArray of two floating point numbers
inputPoint0Array of two floating point numbers
inputPoint1Array of two floating point numbers
inputPoint2Array of two floating point numbers
inputPoint3Array of two floating point numbers
inputPoint4Array of two floating point numbers
inputColorArray of four numbers representing the color
inputRedCoefficientsArray of ten floating point numbers
inputGreenCoefficientsArray of ten floating point numbers
inputBlueCoefficientsArray of ten floating point numbers
inputGradientImageGradient Image
inputBackgroundImageBackground Image
inputLevelsFloating point number
inputColor0Array of four hex numbers representing the color
inputColor1Array of four hex numbers representing the color
inputInsetPoint0Array of two floating point numbers
inputInsetPoint1Array of two floating point numbers
inputStrandsFloating point number
inputPeriodicityFloating point number
inputRotationFloating point number
inputZoomFloating point number
inputDisplacementImageImage object
inputTextureImage object
inputRefractionFloating point number
inputCropAmountFloating point number
inputCenterStretchAmountFloating point number
inputWidthFloating point number
inputTransformArray of nine floats representing the transform
inputRectangleArray of four floating point numbers
inputAspectRatioFloating point number
inputTopLeftArray of two floating point numbers
inputTopRightArray of two floating point numbers
inputBottomRightArray of two floating point numbers
inputBottomLeftArray of two floating point numbers
inputExtentArray of four floating point numbers
inputRadius0Floating point number
inputRadius1Floating point number
inputGCRFloating point number
inputUCRFloating point number
inputHeightFloating point number
inputHighLimitFloating point number
inputLowLimitFloating point number
inputMaskImageMasking image
inputWeightsArray of floating point numbers
inputBiasFloating point number
inputUnsharpMaskRadiusFloating point number
inputUnsharpMaskIntensityFloating point number
inputHighlightAmountFloating point number
inputShadowAmountFloating point number
inputNRNoiseLevelFloating point number
inputNRSharpnessFloating point number
inputEdgeIntensityFloating point number
inputThresholdFloating point number
inputContrastFloating point number
inputShadingImageImage object
inputLightPositionArray of three floating point numbers
inputLightPointsAtArray of three floating point numbers
inputConcentrationFloating point number

Filter Type Constants

Filter TypeParametersDescription
voltmx.filter.ADDITION_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.ADDITION_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetAdds color components to achieve a brightening effect. This filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.AFFINE_TRANSFORMfilterName :- voltmx.filter.AFFINE_TRANSFORM inputImage :- Image widget inputTransform:- transform objectThis filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_MASKfilterName :- voltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_MASK inputImage :-Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widget inputMaskImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_ALPHA_MASKfilterName :- voltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_ALPHA_MASK inputImage :- Image widget, inputBackgroundImage :- Image widget inputMaskImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.BLOOMfilterName :- voltmx.filter.BLOOM inputImage :- Image widget inputRadius :- Number inputIntensity: NumberThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.BOX_BLURfilterName:- voltmx.filter.BOX_BLUR inputImage:- Image widget inputRadius:- number(1 to 25)Increase or decreases the blurriness of image. Available on Android. This filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.BRIGHTNESSinputImage :- Image widget inputBrightness :- number (0.0 to infinite)Increases or decreases the brightness of an image. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetUses the luminance values of the background with the hue and saturation values of the source image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.CLEAR_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.CLEAR_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_CLAMPfilterName:- voltmx.filter.COLOR_CLAMP inputImage:- Image widget inputMinComponents:- array of four floats representing [R,G,B,A] in that order where each float ranges between 0.0 to 1.0. inputMaxComponents:- array of four floats representing [R,G,B,A] in that order where each float ranges between 0.0 to 1.00This filter clamps the colors of the input image within the given range specified by inputMinComponents and inputMaxComponents. At each pixel, color component values less than those in inputMinComponents will be increased to match those in inputMinComponents, and color component values greater than those in inputMaxComponents will be decreased to match those in inputMaxComponents. Available on Android. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_CONTROLSfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_CONTROLS inputImage :- Image widget inputSaturation:- number (0.0 - 1.0) inputBrightness:- number (0.0 - 1.0) inputContrast:- number (0.0 - 1.0)Adjusts saturation, brightness, and contrast values. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_CROSS_POLYNOMIALfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_CROSS_POLYNOMIAL inputImage :- Image widget inputRedCoefficients:- Array of 10 numbers [x,y,z,w,...] (0.0 - 1.0) inputGreenCoefficients:- Array of 10 numbers [x,y,z,w,….] (0.0 - 1.0) inputBlueCoefficients:- Array of 10 numbers [x,y,z,w,…..] (0.0 - 1.0)Modifies the pixel values in an image by applying a set of polynomial cross-products. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_DODGE_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_DODGE_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetBrightens the background image samples to reflect the source image samples. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_INVERSIONfilterName:- voltmx.filter.COLOR_INVERSION inputImage:- Image widgetInverts the colors of given image. Available on Android. Available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_MAPfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_MAP inputImage :- Image widget inputGradientImage :- Image widgetPerforms a nonlinear transformation of source color values using mapping values provided in a table. inputGradientImage is an nx1 or nxn gradient image used to describe a color ramp. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIXfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIX inputImage :- Image widget inputRVector:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputGVector:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputBVector:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputAVector:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputBiasVector:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0)Multiplies source color values and adds a bias factor to each color component. Available on iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIXfilterName:- voltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIX inputImage:- Image widget inputRVector:- array of four numbers representing [R,G,B,A] in that order. inputGVector:- array of four numbers representing [R,G,B,A] in that order. inputBVector:- array of four numbers representing [R,G,B,A] in that order. inputAVector:- array of four numbers representing [R,G,B,A] in that order. inputBiasVector:- array of four values where each value should be added to each channel of RGBA in that order.This filter transforms the colors of given image as per the input parameters. For a given color [R,G,B,A] of a pixel in the input image, the resulting color [rR, rG, rB, rA] is computed as follows: rR = R*Rv[0] + G*Rv[1] + B*Rv[2] + A*Rv[3] + bias[0] rG = R*Gv[0] + G*Gv[1] + B*Gv[2] + A*Gv[3] + bias[1] rB = R*Bv[0] + G*Bv[1] + B*Bv[2] + A*Bv[3] + bias[2] rA = R*Av[0] + G*Av[1] + B*Av[2] + A*Av[3] + bias[3] where Rv is inputRVector, Gv is inputGVector, Bv is inputBVector, Av is inputAVector and bias is inputBiasVector. The resulting color values [rR, rG, rB, rA] are clamped to 255 if exceeded beyond 255. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_MONOCHROME filterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_MONOCHROME inputImage :- Image widget inputColor :- Array of three numbers [r,g,b] (0.0 - 1.0) inputIntensity:- NumberRemaps colors so they fall within shades of a single color. As inputColor only opaque color needs to be passed, ie, only red, blue, green components and no alpha. inputColor values should be in the range of 0.0 - 1.0. inputIntensity accepts the values in range 0.0 - 1.0. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_POLYNOMIALfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_POLYNOMIAL inputImage :- Image widget inputRedCoefficients:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputGreenCoefficients:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputBlueCoefficients:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0) inputAlphaCoefficients:- Array of four numbers [x,y,z,w] (0.0 - 1.0)Modifies the pixel values in an image by applying a set of cubic polynomials. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.COLOR_POSTERIZEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COLOR_POSTERIZE inputImage :- Image widget inputLevels :- NumberRemaps red, green, and blue color components to the number of brightness values you specify for each color component. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.COMIC_EFFECTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.COMIC_EFFECT inputImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_3X3filterName :- voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_3X3 inputImage :- Image widget inputWeights :- Array of 9 numbers (0.0 - 1.0) inputBias :- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_5X5filterName :- voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_5X5 inputImage :- Image widget inputWeights :- Array of 25 numbers (0.0 - 1.0) inputBias :- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_7X7filterName :- voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_7X7 inputImage :- Image widget, inputWeights :- Array of 7x7 = 49 numbers (0.0 - 1.0) inputBias :- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_HORIZONTALfilterName :- voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_HORIZONTAL inputImage :- Image widget, inputWeights :- Array of 9 numbers (0.0 - 1.0) inputBias :- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_VERTICALfilterName :- voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_VERTICAL inputImage :- Image widget, inputWeights :- Array of 9 numbers (0.0 - 1.0) inputBias :- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.CRYSTALLIZEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.CRYSTALLIZE inputImage :- Image widget, inputRadius:- number inputCenter :- Array of two numbers [x,y]This filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.DARKEN_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.DARKEN_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetCreates composite image samples by choosing the darker samples. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.DARKEN_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.DARKEN_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.DIFFERENCE_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.DIFFERENCE_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetSubtracts the greater brightness values from lower. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.DISC_BLURfilterName :- voltmx.filter.DISC_BLUR inputImage :- Image widget inputRadius:- numberThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.DIVIDE_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.DIVIDE_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetDivides the backgroundImage color from source image color. This filter is available on iOS 8 and above.
voltmx.filter.EDGESfilterName :- voltmx.filter.EDGES inputImage :- Image widget, inputIntensity :- numberThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.EDGE_WORKfilterName :- voltmx.filter.EDGE_WORK inputImage :- Image widget, inputRadius :- numberThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.EXCLUSION_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.EXCLUSION_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetProducess the similar effect as CIDifferenceBlend mode but has lower contrast.This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.EXPOSURE_ADJUSTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.EXPOSURE_ADJUST inputImage :- Image widget inputEV:- number (0.0 - 1.0)Adjusts the exposure setting for an image similar to the way you control exposure for a camera when you change the F-stop. This filter is available on iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.EDGE_DETECTIONfilterName:- voltmx.filter.EDGE_DETECTION inputImage:- Image widget inputRadius:- number(1 or 2)Detects or Highlight the edges of given image. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.EMBOSSfilterName:- voltmx.filter.EMBOSS inputImage:- Image widget inputRadius:- number(1 or 2)Applies an embossing effect for a given image. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.FALSE_COLORfilterName :- voltmx.filter.FALSE_COLOR inputImage :- Image widget inputColor0 :- Array of four numbers of 0.0 - 1.0 [r,g,b,a] inputColor1 :- Array of four numbers of 0.0 - 1.0 [r,g,b,a]Maps luminance to a color ramp of two colors. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.GAMMA_ADJUSTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.GAMMA_ADJUST inputImage :- Image widget inputPower:- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.GAUSSIAN_BLURfilterName:- voltmx.filter.GAUSSIAN_BLUR inputImage:- Image widget inputRadius:- number(1 to 25)Spreads source pixels by an amount specified by a Gaussian distribution to increase the blurriness. The blurriness of this filter is smooth compared to BoxBlur. Available on Android. Available on iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.GLOOMfilterName :- voltmx.filter.GLOOM inputImage :- Image widget inputRadius :- Number inputIntensity: NumberThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.GREYSCALEfilterName:- voltmx.filter.GREYSCALE inputImage:- Image widgetConverts given image to black & white or monochrome image. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.HARD_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.HARD_LIGHT_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetIf input image sample is lighter than 50% grey then backgroundImage sample is lightened. If input image sample is greater that 50% grey then backgroundImage sample is darkened. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.HUE_ADJUSTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.HUE_ADJUST inputImage :- Image widget inputAngle:- number (angle in Radians)Changes the overall hue, or tint, of the source pixels. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.HUE_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.HUE_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetUses luminance and saturation values from backgroundImage with the hue values on input image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThe lighter samples are taken from both the images and will be used in resultant image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.LINEAR_BURN_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.LINEAR_BURN_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
voltmx.filter.LINEAR_DODGE_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.LINEAR_DODGE_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
voltmx.filter.LINEAR_TO_SRGB_TONE_CURVEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.LINEAR_TO_SRGB_TONE_CURVE inputImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.LUMINOSITY_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.LUMINOSITY_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MASK_TO_ALPHAfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MASK_TO_ALPHA inputImage :- Image widgetConverts a grayscale image to a white image that is masked by alpha. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPONENTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPONENT inputImage :- Image widgetReturns a grayscale image from max(r,g,b). This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPOSITINGfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPOSITING inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MEDIAN_FILTERfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MEDIAN_FILTER inputImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPONENTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPONENT inputImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPOSITINGfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPOSITING inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MOTION_BLURfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MOTION_BLUR inputImage :- Image widget inputRadius:- number inputAngle:- number (angle in radians)This filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.NOISE_REDUCTIONfilterName :- voltmx.filter.NOISE_REDUCTION inputImage :- Image widget inputNoiseLevel:- number (0.0 - 1.0) inputSharpness:- number (0.0 - 1.0)This filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
voltmx.filter.OVERLAY_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.OVERLAY_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.OVERLAY_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.OVERLAY_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_CHROMEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_CHROME inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with exaggerated color.This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_FADEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_FADE inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with diminished color. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_INSTANTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_INSTANT inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with distorted colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_MONOfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_MONO inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate black-and-white photography film with low contrast. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_PROCESSfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_PROCESS inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with emphasized cool colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TONALfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TONAL inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate black-and-white photography film without significantly altering contrast.This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TRANSFERfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TRANSFER inputImage :- Image widgetApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with emphasized warm colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.PIN_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.PIN_LIGHT_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
voltmx.filter.SATURATION_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SATURATION_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SCREEN_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SCREEN_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SCREEN_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SCREEN_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.SEPIA_TONEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SEPIA_TONE inputImage :- Image widget inputInternsity:- numberMaps the colors of an image to various shades of brown. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.SHARPENfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SHARPEN inputImage:- Image widget inputRadius:- number(1 or 2)Increases the sharpness of image. Available on Android.
voltmx.filter.SOFT_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SOFT_LIGHT_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SOURCE_ATOP_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SOURCE_ATOP_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SOURCE_IN_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SOURCE_IN_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SOURCE_OUT_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SOURCE_OUT_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
voltmx.filter.SOURCE_OVER_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.SOURCE_OVER_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.SRGB_TONE_CURVE_TO_LINEARfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SRGB_TONE_CURVE_TO_LINEAR inputImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.SUBTRACT_BLEND_MODEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.SUBTRACT_BLEND_MODE inputImage :- Image widget inputBackgroundImage :- Image widgetThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
voltmx.filter.TEMPERATURE_AND_TINTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.TEMPERATURE_AND_TINT inputImage :- Image widget inputNeutral:- Array of two numbers [x,y] inputTargetNeutral:- Array of two numbers [x,y]Adapts the reference white point for an image. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.TONE_CURVEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.TONE_CURVE inputImage :- Image widget inputPoint0:- Array of two numbers [x,y](0.0 - 1.0) inputPoint1:- Array of two numbers [x,y](0.0 - 1.0) inputPoint2:- Array of two numbers [x,y](0.0 - 1.0) inputPoint3:- Array of two numbers [x,y](0.0 - 1.0) inputPoint4:- Array of two numbers [x,y](0.0 - 1.0)Adjusts tone response of the R, G, and B channels of an image. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.VIGNETTEfilterName :- voltmx.filter.VIGNETTE inputImage :- Image widget inputRadius :- number inputInternsity:- number (0.0 - 1.0)Reduces the brightness of an image at the periphery. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.VIGNETTE_EFFECTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.VIGNETTE_EFFECT inputImage :- Image widget inputCenter :- Array of two numbers [x,y] inputIntensity :- number (0.0 - 1.0) inputRadius:- numberModifies the brightness of an image around the periphery of a specified region. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
voltmx.filter.WHITE_POINT_ADJUSTfilterName :- voltmx.filter.WHITE_POINT_ADJUST inputImage :- Image widget inputColor:- Array of four numbers [0.0 - 1.0]Adjusts the reference white point for an image and maps all colors in the source using the new reference. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
voltmx.filter.XOR_COMPOSITINGfilterName:- voltmx.filter.XOR_COMPOSITING inputImage:- Image widget inputBackgroundImage:- Image widgetThis filter is available from Android 3.0 and above.
voltmx.filter.ZOOM_BLURfilterName :- voltmx.filter.ZOOM_BLUR inputImage :- Image widget inputCenter:- Array of two numbers [x,y] inputAmount:- number (default : 20.0)This filter is available in iOS 9 and above.

iOS Filters

The following filters are available on iOS devices.

Filter NameFilter TypeDescription
CIAdditionCompositingvoltmx.filter.ADDITION_COMPOSITINGAdds color components to achieve a brightening effect. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIAffineTransformvoltmx.filter.AFFINE_TRANSFORMThis filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIBlendWithMaskvoltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_MASKThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIBlendWithAlphaMaskvoltmx.filter.BLEND_WITH_ALPHA_MASKThis filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIBloomvoltmx.filter.BLOOMThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIBoxBlurvoltmx.filter.BOX_BLURThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
CIColorBlendModevoltmx.filter.COLOR_BLEND_MODEUses the luminance values of the background with the hue and saturation values of the source image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorClampvoltmx.filter.COLOR_CLAMPThis filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIColorControlsvoltmx.filter.COLOR_CONTROLSAdjusts saturation, brightness, and contrast values. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIColorCrossPolynomialvoltmx.filter.COLOR_CROSS_POLYNOMIALModifies the pixel values in an image by applying a set of polynomial cross-products. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIColorDodgeBlendModevoltmx.filter.COLOR_DODGE_BLEND_MODEBrightens the background image samples to reflect the source image samples. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorInvertvoltmx.filter.COLOR_INVERSIONInverts the colors in an image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorMapvoltmx.filter.COLOR_MAPPerforms a nonlinear transformation of source color values using mapping values provided in a table. inputGradientImage is an nx1 or nxn gradient image used to describe a color ramp. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorMatrixvoltmx.filter.COLOR_MATRIXMultiplies source color values and adds a bias factor to each color component. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIColorMonochromevoltmx.filter.COLOR_MONOCHROMERemaps colors so they fall within shades of a single color. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorPolynomialvoltmx.filter.COLOR_POLYNOMIALModifies the pixel values in an image by applying a set of cubic polynomials. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIColorPosterizevoltmx.filter.COLOR_POSTERIZERemaps red, green, and blue color components to the number of brightness values you specify for each color component. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
CIComicEffectvoltmx.filter.COMIC_EFFECTThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIConvolution3X3voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_3X3This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
CIConvolution5X5voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_5X5This filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
CIConvolution7X7voltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_7X7This filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIConvolution9Horizontalvoltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_HORIZONTALThis filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
CIConvolution9Verticalvoltmx.filter.CONVOLUTION_9_VERTICALThis filter is available on iOS 7 and above.
CICrystallizevoltmx.filter.CRYSTALLIZEThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIDarkenBlendModevoltmx.filter.DARKEN_BLEND_MODECreates composite image samples by choosing the darker samples. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
CIDifferenceBlendModevoltmx.filter.DIFFERENCE_BLEND_MODESubtracts the greater brightness values from lower. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
CIDiscBlurvoltmx.filter.DISC_BLURThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIDivideBlendModevoltmx.filter.DIVIDE_BLEND_MODEDivides the backgroundImage color from source image color. This filter is available on iOS 8 and above.
CIEdgesvoltmx.filter.EDGESThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIEdgeWorkvoltmx.filter.EDGE_WORKThis filter is available on iOS 9 and above.
CIExclusionBlendModevoltmx.filter.EXCLUSION_BLEND_MODEProduces an effect similar to CIDifferenceBlend mode but has lower contrast. This filter is available on iOS 6 and above.
CIExposureAdjustvoltmx.filter.EXPOSURE_ADJUSTAdjusts the exposure setting for an image similar to the way you control exposure for a camera when you change the F-stop. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIFalseColorvoltmx.filter.FALSE_COLORMaps luminance to a color ramp of two colors. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIGammaAdjustvoltmx.filter.GAMMA_ADJUSTThis filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIGaussianBlurvoltmx.filter.GAUSSIAN_BLURSpreads source pixels by an amount specified by a Gaussian distribution to increase the blurriness. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIGloomvoltmx.filter.GLOOMThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIHardLightBlendModevoltmx.filter.HARD_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEIf input image sample is lighter than 50% grey then backgroundImage sample is lightened. If input image sample is greater that 50% grey then backgroundImage sample is darkened. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIHueAdjustvoltmx.filter.HUE_ADJUSTChanges the overall hue, or tint, of the source pixels. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIHueBlendModevoltmx.filter.HUE_BLEND_MODEUses luminance and saturation values from backgroundImage with the hue values on input image. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CILightenBlendModevoltmx.filter.LIGHTEN_BLEND_MODEThe lighter samples are taken from both the images and will be used in resultant image. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CILinearBurnBlendModevoltmx.filter.LINEAR_BURN_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
CILinearDodgeBlendModevoltmx.filter.LINEAR_DODGE_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
CILinearToSRGBToneCurvevoltmx.filter.LINEAR_TO_SRGB_TONE_CURVEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CILuminosityBlendModevoltmx.filter.LUMINOSITY_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMaskToAlphavoltmx.filter.MASK_TO_ALPHAConverts a grayscale image to a white image that is masked by alpha. This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMaximumComponentvoltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPONENTReturns a grayscale image from max(r,g,b). This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMaximumCompositingvoltmx.filter.MAXIMUM_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMedianFiltervoltmx.filter.MEDIAN_FILTERThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
CIMinimumComponentvoltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPONENTReturns a grayscale image from min(r,g,b). This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMinimumCompositingvoltmx.filter.MINIMUM_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMotionBlurvoltmx.filter.MOTION_BLURThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
CIMultiplyBlendModevoltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIMultiplyCompositingvoltmx.filter.MULTIPLY_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CINoiseReductionvoltmx.filter.NOISE_REDUCTIONThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.
CIOverlayBlendModevoltmx.filter.OVERLAY_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIPhotoEffectChromevoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_CHROMEApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with exaggerated color.This filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIPhotoEffectFadevoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_FADEApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with diminished color. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectInstantvoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_INSTANTApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with distorted colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectMonovoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_MONOApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate black-and-white photography film with low contrast. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectNoirvoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_NOIRApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate black-and-white photography film with exaggerated contrast. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectProcessvoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_PROCESSApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with emphasized cool colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectTonalvoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TONALApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate black-and-white photography film without significantly altering contrast. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPhotoEffectTransfervoltmx.filter.PHOTO_EFFECT_TRANSFERApplies a preconfigured set of effects that imitate vintage photography film with emphasized warm colors. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CIPinLightBlendModevoltmx.filter.PIN_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
CISaturationBlendModevoltmx.filter.SATURATION_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CIScreenBlendModevoltmx.filter.SCREEN_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CISoftLightBlendModevoltmx.filter.SOFT_LIGHT_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CISourceAtopCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_ATOP_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CISourceInCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_IN_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CISourceOutCompositingvoltmx.filter.SOURCE_OUT_COMPOSITINGThis filter is available in iOS 6 and above.
CISRGBToneCurveToLinearvoltmx.filter.SRGB_TONE_CURVE_TO_LINEARMaps color intensity from the sRGB color space to a linear gamma curve. This filter is available in iOS 7 and above.
CISubtractBlendModevoltmx.filter.SUBTRACT_BLEND_MODEThis filter is available in iOS 8 and above.
CITemperatureAndTintvoltmx.filter.TEMPERATURE_AND_TINTAdapts the reference white point for an image. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIToneCurvevoltmx.filter.TONE_CURVEAdjusts tone response of the R, G, and B channels of an image. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIVibrancevoltmx.filter.VIBRANCEAdjusts the saturation of an image while keeping pleasing skin tones. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIVignettevoltmx.filter.VIGNETTEReduces the brightness of an image at the periphery. This filter is available in iOS 5 and above.
CIVignetteEffectvoltmx.filter.VIGNETTE_EFFECTModifies the brightness of an image around the periphery of a specified region.
CIZoomBlurvoltmx.filter.ZOOM_BLURThis filter is available in iOS 9 and above.

Windows Filter Constants

The following filters are available for Windows.

Filter TypeParametersDescription
voltmx.filter.ALPHATOGRAYSCALEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.ALPHATOGRAYSCALEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object  Copies the alpha channel in the image to the color channels, resulting in a grayscale representation of the alpha channel.
voltmx.filter.AFFINE_TRANSFORM“filterName” :voltmx.filter.ANTIQUEFILTER, “inputImage” : Image ObjectProduces the look of an old color photo.
voltmx.filter.AUTOENHANCEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.AUTOENHANCEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "isContrastAndBrightnessEnhancementEnabled": true, "isLocalBoostEnhancementEnabled": false  Automatically enhances white balance, brightness and contrast, and/or applies local boost to the image. isContrastAndBrightnessEnhancementEnabled [Boolean] - Enables or disables contrast and brightness enhancement. isLocalBoostEnhancementEnabled [Boolean] - Enables or disables local boost enhancement.
voltmx.filter.AUTOLEVELSFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.AUTOLEVELSFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object  Balances the intensity level of the image, for example making dark images lighter and vice versa.
voltmx.filter.BLENDFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.BLENDFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"blendImage": blendimg, "blendFunction": 5Blends an image onto the current image, with optional masking, positioning, scaling, and rotation. blendImage [Image] - The image to blend with source image. blendFunction [int] - The blend function to use. Possible values are: 0 - Normal "alpha" blending. 1 - Multiplicative blending. 2 Additive blending (alias of Add). 3 - Color replacement. 4 - "Colorburn" blending. 5 - "Colordodge" blending. 8 - "Screen" blending. 6 - "Overlay" blending. 7 - "Softlight" blending. 9 - "Hardlight" blending. 10 - Darken by taking the minimum. 11 - Lightness by taking the maximum. 12 - Hue replacement. 13 - "Exclusion" blending. 14 - Absolute difference. 15 - "Linearlight" blending. 16 - "Vividlight" blending. 17 - Signed difference.
voltmx.filter.BLURFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.BLURFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"kernelSize": 25Blurs the image with a specific kernel size. kernelSize [int] - The kernel size in pixels. Range [1, 256]. Larger kernel size results in more blur.
voltmx.filter.BRIGHTNESSFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.BRIGHTNESSFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"level": 0.4Adjusts the brightness in the image with a brightness level. level [double] - The brightness level. Range [-1.0, 1.0], where 0.0 results in no adjustment.
voltmx.filter.CARTOONFILTER“filterName” : voltmx.filter.CARTOONFILTER, “inputImage” : Image Object,“distinctEdges”: false (Default value is true)  Transforms the image into a cartoon graphic style.
voltmx.filter.CHROMAKEYFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.CHROMAKEYFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"chromacolor": "FF123400", "colorDistance": 0.7, "noiseSuppression": 0.4, "invertAlpha": false  Adds transparency to the pixels of a specific color. color [String] - The chroma key color that will be made transparent. The alpha component will be ignored. colorDistance [double] - Specifies how much variation around the chroma key color will be considered for transparency. If the color distance is small, only a small variation around the chroma key color will be considered for transparency. Range [0.0, 1.0]. noiseSuppression [double] - Specifies the noise suppression level. If the noise suppression level is low, only a small amount of noise will be suppressed. Range [0.0, 1.0]. invertAlpha [Boolean] - Controls how the alpha channel is generated. If false, full transparency in the resulting alpha channel is the value 0. If true, full transparency in the resulting alpha channel is the value 255.
voltmx.filter.COLORADJUSTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.COLORADJUSTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "red": 0.4,"green": 0.7,"blue": -0.4Adjusts the RGB color composition of the image with specified channel adjustment values. Red [double] - Red channel adjustment. Range [-1.0, 1.0]. Green [double] - Green channel adjustment. Range [-1.0, 1.0]. Blue [double] - Blue channel adjustment. Range [-1.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.COLORBOOSTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.COLORBOOSTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"gain": 12.0Amplifies the colors of the image with the specified gain level. Gain [double] - The color boost gain level. Range [-1.0, 20.0]. Negative values reduce the colors. Recommended values are in the range [-1.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.COLORSWAPFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.COLORSWAPFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"sourceColor": "00FF0000"," swapColor": "FF00FF00", "colorDistance": 0.35, "isMonoColor": false, "swapLuminance": trueCreates ColorSwapEffect with specified settings and applies on the provided image. sourceColor [String] - Specifies the color that should be converted. The alpha-component is ignored. swapColor [String] - Specifies the color to which the source Color should be converted. The alpha-component is ignored. colorDistance [double] - Specifies the tolerance level of the effect. Range [0.0, 1.0]. isMonoColor [Boolean] - Specifies if the other colors should be converted to grayscale or be preserved. swapLuminance [Boolean] - Controls if the luminance should be included in the color swap.
voltmx.filter.COLORIZATIONFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.COLORIZATIONFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"color": "FF123400","luminance": 1.5,"chrominance": -0.2  Adjusts color tone and luminance/chrominance levels, adds a single color to an image. Color [string] - The reference color. The alpha-component is ignored. luminance [double] - The luminance adjustment. Range: [-1.0, 2.0]. chrominance [double] - The chrominance adjustment. Range: [-1.0, 2.0].
voltmx.filter.CONTRASTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.CONTRASTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "level": 0.4Adjusts the contrast in the image with a contrast level. level [double] - The contrast level. Range [-1.0, 1.0], where values below zero decrease contrast and above zero increase it.
voltmx.filter.CURVESFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.CURVESFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"RedCurveIndex": 3,"GreenCurveIndex": 2,"BlueCurveIndex": 5  Transforms colors in the image using a set of color curve index values. RedCurveIndex [int] - Color curve for the red channel. Range [0, 7] GreenCurveIndex [int] - Color curve for the green channel. Range [0, 7] BlueCurveIndex [int] - Color curve for the blue channel. Range [0, 7]
voltmx.filter.DESPECKLEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.DESPECKLEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"despeckleLevel": 3Applies a despeckle effect, removing noise from the image with a specified level. despeckleLevel [int] - The despeckle level. (0-Minimum, 1-Low, 2-High, 3-Maximum)
voltmx.filter.EMBOSSFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.EMBOSSFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "level": 0.35Creates EmbossEffect with specified level and applies on the provided image. Level [double] - The level of the emboss effect. Range: [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.EXPOSUREFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.EXPOSUREFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"exposureMode": 1,"gain": -0.7Adjust the brightness of an image with specified exposure mode and gain. exposureMode [int] - The exposure mode. (0 -Natural, 1- Gamma) gain [double] - The desired exposure level. Positive values will make the image brighter, negative values will make it darker. Range is [-1.0, 1.5], but for gamma mode the effect saturates at 1.0, which means that everything between [1.0, 1.5] will be interpreted as 1.0. Recommended range for both gamma and natural mode for normal usage is [-1.0, 1.0]. 0.0 equals no change of exposure.
voltmx.filter.FLIPFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.FLIPFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "flipMode": 2Flips the image horizontally and/or vertically with a specified flip mode. flipMode [int] - The flip mode, around horizontal, vertical or both axes. (0 -None, 1-Vertical, 2-Horizontal, 3-Both)
voltmx.filter.FOGFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.FOGFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectApplies fog effect on the image.
voltmx.filter.FOUNDATIONFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.FOUNDATIONFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object  Applies foundation effect on the image.
voltmx.filter.GAUSSIANNOISEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.GAUSSIANNOISEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"level": 1.4Applies Gaussian noise to the image. level [double] - The amount of noise, given as the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. Must be >= 1.0.
voltmx.filter.GRAYSCALEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.GRAYSCALEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "redWeight": 127.9, "greenWeight": -10.9,"blueWeight": 27.9,"constant": 86Converts the image to grayscale using a mixture of the color components. The gray shade is calculated by multiplying each color component of every pixel with the matching Weight and adding a constant: resultShade = redValue * redWeight + greenValue * greenWeight + blueValue * blueWeight + constant. The resulting shade is clamped to the range [0,1]. redWeight [double] - The red component of the equation for mixing weights. Range [-255.0, 255.0]. greenWeight [double] - The green component of the equation for mixing weights. Range [-255.0, 255.0]. blueWeight [double] - The blue component of the equation for mixing weights. Range [-255.0, 255.0]. Constant [double] The constant component of the equation for mixing weights. Range [-255.0, 255.0].
voltmx.filter.GRAYSCALENEGATIVEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.GRAYSCALENEGATIVEFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectConverts the image to a grayscale negative.
voltmx.filter.HDRFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.HDRFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"gamma": 1.9,"noiseSuppression": 0.9,"saturation": 2.9,"strength": 0.2Applies local tone mapping to a single image to achieve an HDR-like effect. gamma [double] - Controls global contrast enhancement using a power law. Values lower than 1.0 makes the image more white and values above 1.0 makes it more black. Recommended range is between 0.6 and 1.0. gamma must be > 0. noiseSuppression [double] - Controls supression of noise amplification, value should rise with the noisiness of the input image combined with the strength applied. Recommended value is between 0.1 and 0.3. Range [0.0, 1.0]. saturation [double] - Controls color saturation using a power law. Values lower than 1.0 will decrease the saturation, and values above 1.0 will increase the saturation of the image. Recommended range is between 0.4 and 0.8. saturation must be > 0. Strength [double] - Controls strength of local contrast enhancement. The higher the value, the stronger effect. Recommended range is between 0.1 and 0.30. Having a high value may result in dark noisy images. Range [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.HUESATURATIONFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.HUESATURATIONFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"hue": -0.5,"saturation": 0.2Adjusts the hue and saturation of the image with specified hue and saturation. hue [double] - Hue adjustment level. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where 0 implies no adjustment. saturation [double] - Saturation adjustment level. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where 0 implies no adjustment.
voltmx.filter.LEVELSFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.LEVELSFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"white": 0.7,"gray": 0.2,"black": 0.5Adjusts levels in the current image. white The position of the white saturating point. Range [0.0, 1.0]. gray - The relative position of the middle gray point. Range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 is at the bright saturating point and 1.0 is at the dark saturating point. black - The position of the black saturating point. Range [0.0, 1.0]. The value of black should be smaller than, or equal to the value of white.
voltmx.filter.LOCALBOOSTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.LOCALBOOSTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"gamma": 3,"darkContrast": 0.9,"lightContrast": 0.7,"sensitivityLevel": 0.2  Manually boost and enhance images with unequal illumination. gamma [double] - Gamma correction for the dark part of the image. Range [0.1, 5.0]. darkContrast [double] - Contrast amplification of the dark part. Range [0.5, 1.0]. lightContrast [double] - Contrast amplification of the light part. Range [0.5, 1.0]. sensitivityLevel [double] - Specifies how much of the processed image will be blended into the original image. Range: [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.LOCALBOOSTAUTOMATICFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.LOCALBOOSTAUTOMATICFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"level": 10  Manually boost and enhance images with unequal illumination with the specified level. level [int] - Intensity of the effect. Range [0, 14].
voltmx.filter.LOMOFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.LOMOFILTER, "inputImage":- Image Object,"brightness": 0.7, "saturation": 0.4, "vignetting": 1, "style": 4  Creates LomoEffect with specified settings and applies on the provided image. Brightness [double] - The brightness adjustment. Range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 gives a bright image and 1.0 gives a dark image. Saturation [double] - The color saturation adjustment. Range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 implies no saturation. Vignetting [int] - The vignetting level. Possible values are: 0 - Low 1 - High 2 - Medium Style [int] - The color style. Possible values are: 0 - Neutral 1 - Red 2 - Green 3 - Blue 4 - Yellow
voltmx.filter.MAGICPENFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.MAGICPENFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectApplies a mix of edge distinction and color manipulation to the image.
voltmx.filter.MILKYFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.MILKYFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object  Applies a milky surface to the image.
voltmx.filter.MIRRORFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.MIRRORFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectMirrors the left half of the image onto the right half.
voltmx.filter.MONOCOLORFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.MONOCOLORFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "preserveColor": "FF00FF00", "colorDistance":0.7Creates and initializes a new MonoColorEffect with specified settings for the color to be preserved. preserveColor [String] - The color that will be preserved. colorDistance [double] - Specifies the tolerance level of the effect. Range [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.MOONLIGHTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.MOONLIGHTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "clock": 22  Creates a MoonlightEffect specifying the time of day and applies to the image. Clock [int] - Time of night in clock time [0, 23]. The filter has effect only at night time, between 17 and 7. The default value is 0.
voltmx.filter.NEGATIVEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.NEGATIVEFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectConverts the image to a negative.
voltmx.filter.NOISEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.NOISEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"level": 2Applies noise to the image with specified noise level. level [int] - The amount of noise. (0 -Minimum, 1-Medium, 2-Maximum)
voltmx.filter.OILYFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.OILYFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"oilBrushSize ": 2Creates OilyEffect with the specified OilinessLevel and applies to the image. oilBrushSize [int] - Specifies the strength of the effect, where higher oiliness results in higher distortion of the source image.
voltmx.filter.PAINTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.PAINTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "level ": 4Creates PaintEffect with the specified level and applies to the image. Level [int] - Paint effect level. Range [1, 4].
voltmx.filter.POSTERIZEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.POSTERIZEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "colorComponentValueCount": 12Applies a painting-like effect to the image. colorComponentValueCount [int] - The number of allowed values for each color component. Range [2, 16].
voltmx.filter.ROTATIONFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.ROTATIONFILTER,"inputImage": Image Object,"rotationAngle": 135.0Rotates the image around its center in a clock-wise direction with a specified angle. rotationAngle [double] - The rotation angle in degrees.
voltmx.filter.SEPIAFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.SEPIAFILTER, "inputImage": Image ObjectApplies a sepia tone to the image.
voltmx.filter.SHARPNESSFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.SHARPNESSFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"level": 0.7  Enhances the sharpness of the image, allowing for precise settings. level [double] - Image sharpness level. Level must be greater than 0. Recommended range is [0, 1] however values greater than 1.0 are supported.
voltmx.filter.SKETCHFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.SKETCHFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"sketchMode": 0  Applies a sketch effect to the image with the specified SketchMode. sketchMode [int] - The sketch mode. Possible values are: 0 - Gray-Sketch in grayscale 1 - Color-Sketch in color
voltmx.filter.SOLARIZEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.SOLARIZEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, " threshold": 0.7Applies a solarize effect to the image with the specified threshold. Threshold [double] - The threshold level of the solarize effect. Range [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.STAMPFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.STAMPFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object, "smoothness": 2, "threshold": 0.6Applies a stamp-like effect, resulting in a black and white image with specified smoothness and threshold values. Smoothness [int] - The smoothness level. Range [0, 6]. Threshold [double] - The threshold level. Range [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.TEMPERATUREANDTINTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.TEMPERATUREANDTINTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"temperature": -0.4,"tint": 0.7Adjusts the color temperature and tint of the image using provided temperature and tint. temperature [double] - Color temperature adjustment. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where 0 implies an unmodified color temperature. tint [double] - Color tint adjustment. Range [-1.0, 1.0] where 0 implies an unmodified color tint.
voltmx.filter.VIGNETTINGFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.VIGNETTINGFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"vignettingColor": "00FFFF00", "transitionSize": 12Applies vignetting effect to the image with specified transition size and vignetting color. transitionSize [double] - The size of the transition region as a fraction of the radius. Range [0.0, 15.0]. Color [String] - The color to use for the vignetting effect.
voltmx.filter.WATERCOLORFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.WATERCOLORFILTER,"inputImage": Image Object, "lightIntensity": 0.2, "colorIntensity": 0.7Applies a watercolor effect to the image with specified intensities. lightIntensity [double] - The light intensity. Range [0.0, 1.0]. colorIntensity [double] - The color intensity. Range [0.0, 1.0].
voltmx.filter.WARPFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.WARPFILTER,"inputImage": Image Object, "wrapmode": 12, "wraplevel": 0.7Applies a warp effect to an image with specified warp effect and level. wrapmode [int] - The warp mode to apply. Possible values are: 0 - Upnose 1-Twister 2 - SmallNose 3 - WideSmile 4 - Grit 5 - BigFace 6 - Professor 7 - Alien 8 - BigNose 9 - AlienHybrid 10 - Gobbler 11 - Square 12 - Sharpchin 13 - LongFaced 14 - HappyFool 15 - Insect. wraplevel [double] - Amount of effect applied. Range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 means no effect and 1.0 means full effect. Default is 0.5.
voltmx.filter.WHITEBALANCEFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.WHITEBALANCEFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"whitePointCalculationMode": 2Adjusts the white balance in the image with specified white point calculation mode. whitePointCalculationMode [int] - Possible values are: 0 - Uses the mean value of the 256-bin distribution. 1 - Uses the estimated mean gray for the color correction. 2 - Uses the estimated maximum intensity color. 3 - Uses a specified white reference color.
voltmx.filter.WHITEBOARDENHANCEMENTFILTER"filterName": voltmx.filter.WHITEBOARDENHANCEMENTFILTER, "inputImage": Image Object,"whiteboardEnhancementMode": 0Enhances text and drawings in an image of a whiteboard with a specified mode. whiteboardEnhancementMode [int] - Possible values are: 0 - Enhances the contrast. 1 - Preserve colors better.