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Kony Quantum is now HCL Volt MX. See Revised Terminology. Current Quantum users, see the important note about API naming.

voltmx.ui Namespace


The voltmx.ui Namespace contains the following functions.


Constructs an ActionItem object for use in an ActionSheet object.


new voltmx.ui.ActionItem(actionItemParams)

Input Parameters


A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs that define the configuration parameters for the action item. This object must contain the following keys.

Constant Description
title A string that specifies the title for the action item.
style A value from the Action Item Style Constants that selects the style of the action item.
actionCallback A JavaScript function that handles user selections from the action item. For more information, see Remarks below.


//Creating the Action Item Object
  setActionSheet: function(){
    var actionItem = new voltmx.ui.ActionItem({
    "title": "Open Basecamp",
    "style": constants.ACTION_STYLE_DEFAULT,
    "action": function(){

Return Values

Returns an ActionItem object that can be added to an Action Sheet.


The actionCallback function, which is passed into this function through the actionSheetParams parameter, must have the following prototype.

actionItemCallback(actionSheetObject, actionItem1);

where actionSheetObject is a handle to the ActionSheet object that the ActionItem object is associated with, and actionItem1 is a handle to the ActionItem object that the user selected.

Platform Availability



Constructs an ActionSheet object that represents an iOS Action Sheet.



Input Parameters


A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs that define the configuration parameters for the Action Sheet. This object must contain the following keys.

Key Description
title A string that specifies the title for the Action Sheet.
message A string containing the action sheet’s message to display to the user.
showCompletionCallback A callback function that is invoked after the display of the action sheet. For details, see the Remarks section below.


//Creating the Action Sheet Object
  var actionSheetObject = new voltmx.ui.ActionSheet({
        "title":"VoltMX Basecamp", 
        "message":"Welcome to Volt MX Base Camp! Explore. Learn. Develop. Share.", 
        "showCompletionCallback": function(){

Return Values

Returns an ActionSheet object.


The actionSheetParams parameter is an object containing key-value pairs. When your app uses the showCompletionCallback key, it specifies a callback function that is automatically invoked after your app displays the action sheet. The callback function must have the following signature.


In an Action Sheet, only one action item can have the style constants.ACTION_ITEM_STYLE_CANCEL.

Platform Availability



This API provides you the ability to add alerts in the application. The alerts are of the following types:

  • information - an informative message is displayed on the screen. This message can be in turn a warning or a success message.
  • confirmation - a confirmation message with Yes and No options is displayed on the screen.
  • error - an error message is displayed on the screen.

All the alerts are modal in nature, i.e., the user cannot proceed with other UI operations unless the alert is dismissed.


voltmx.ui.Alert(basicConfig, pspConfig)

Input Parameters


basicConfig is an object with the following configuration properties.

Property Description
message [String] - Mandatory The message to be shown when an alert is thrown.
alertType [Number] - Mandatory Denotes the type of the alert. The possible values are as follows:ALERT_TYPE_CONFIRMATIONALERT_TYPE_ERRORALERT_TYPE_INFO
alertTitle [String] - Optional Title of the alert.
yesLabel [String] - Optional Text to be displayed for the Yes label. If the text for the Yes label is not provided, individual platforms display default values.
noLabel [String] - Optional Text to be displayed for the No label. If the text for the No label is not provided, individual platforms display default values.
alertIcon [String / image Object] - Optional Icon to be displayed to visually indicate the type of alert, such as, Info, Error, Confirmation. This parameter is not supported on iPhone. You can create an image Object by using voltmx.image Namespace functions.
alertHandler [Read / Write Event] - Mandatory JavaScript function that should get called when alert is dismissed either through “yes” label button or through “no” label button.


pspConfig is an object with platform specific configuration properties.

Property Description
ondeviceback [Write Event] - Optional JavaScript function that should get called when alert is open and the device back button is pressed.> Note: Supported on Windows platform.var pspConf = { ondeviceback: func1 }; var confirmationAlert = voltmx.ui.Alert(basicConf, pspConf); function func1() { voltmx.print(“Example function on device back”); } > Note: The configuration properties should be passed only in the respective configuration objects otherwise they are ignored.
contentAlignment Used to align content of an alert. Following are the values of this property: constants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_LEFT  // defaultconstants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTERconstants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_RIGHT
iconPosition It is used to align and alert title icon. Following are the values of this property: constants.ALERT_ICON_POSITION_LEFT // defaultconstants.ALERT_ICON_POSITION_RIGHT> Note: Refer the example given below to create an alert using contentAlignment and iconPostion parameters.


confirmationAlert: function(){ 
   //Creating the basicConfig object 
  var basicConf = {
    message: "This is an confirmation alert",
    alertType: constants.ALERT_TYPE_CONFIRMATION,
   //Creating the pspConfig object
  var pspConfig = {
    "contentAlignment": constants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER
   voltmx.ui.Alert(basicConf, pspConfig);
   informationAlert: function(){ 
     //Creating the basicConfig object
  var basicConf = {
    message: "This is an info alert",
    alertType: constants.ALERT_TYPE_INFO,
     //Creating the pspConfig object
  var pspConfig = {
  "contentAlignment": constants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_LEFT
   voltmx.ui.Alert(basicConf, pspConfig);
   errorAlert: function(){ 
   //Creating the basicConfig object
  var basicConf = {
    message: "This is an error alert",
    alertType: constants.ALERT_TYPE_ERROR,
     //Creating the pspConfig object
  var pspConfig = {
  "contentAlignment": constants.ALERT_CONTENT_ALIGN_RIGHT
   voltmx.ui.Alert(basicConf, pspConfig);

Return Values



Invoking this API multiple times in the same action sequence leads to an erroneous behavior.

This API should be invoked at the end of a function as a best practice.

The following are the behavioral aspects of alerts on various platforms:


In all native implementations alert is non blocking, i.e. the execution of any logic defined after the alert definition continues without the alert confirmation.

Important: Alert images are not supported on Windows 10.


Android platform supports display of multiple alerts each time the voltmx.ui.Alert API is invoked. On device back, the alert gets dismissed and also the alert handler is raised.

For CONFIRMATION type alert, the alert callback is invoked with cancel flag. For example, false Boolean argument.

For INFO & ERROR type alert, the alert callback is invoked with true argument.


iPhone does not support displaying image icons based on the alert types: info,confirmation, error. ”\n” as a newline character in the alert messages supported for iPhone Platform

Mobile Web/SPA/Desktop Web

  • For advanced Mobile Web devices like iPhone, Android, and Palm Pre, alerts are displayed as popups. For basic devices, the alerts are displayed in a new page.
  • For all platforms you cannot customize alert icons/yes or no labels/ look and feel.
  • Titles of the alerts are provided by the browser and you cannot modify them. The alert title attribute does not apply for Mobile Web. Usually, the title on the alert will be the IP address or the domain name of the application.
  • Confirmation alerts in the basic devices will be displayed in another form.
  • If the alert message is nil, alert is not displayed.
  • In case of all platforms, the execution of the logic defined after alert is blocked until the user clicks “yes” or “no”.

For JavaScript conversion, an alert has to be created using another variant constructor,i.e an Indexed argument constructor.

voltmx.ui.Alert(message, alertHandler, alertType, yesLabel, noLabel, alertTitle, pspConf);

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


Creates the ARRenderer widget. It occupies some space on a form depending on its positional and dimensional properties.


voltmx.ui.ARRenderer(arBasic, arLayout, arPsp)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
arBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ARRenderer widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ARRenderer widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
arLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ARRenderer widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ARRenderer widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
arPsp A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ARRenderer widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ARRenderer widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var myscene = new voltmx.ui.ARRenderer({
"placeholderText": "Please wait while the camera loads..",
"placeholderSkin": "voltmxmpiSknlblItemName",
"height": "100%",
"id": "arscene",
"isVisible": true,
"left": "0%",
"top": "0%",
"width": "100%",

"zIndex": 1
}, {
"contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
"displayText": true,
"padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
"paddingInPixel": false
}, {


Return Values

Returns an instantiated and configured ARRenderer widget.

Platform Availability

Android, iOS





Input Parameters


A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs that the constructor uses to set the configuration of the BarButtonItem object. The following keys are supported.

Key Description
type Specifies the type of the BarButtonItem. Must be one of the ButtonBarItem Type Constants.
tintColor Selects the color to apply to the BarButtonItem. Must be specified as a hexadecimal value.
style Sets the style of the BarButtonItem. Must be one of the Bar Item Style Constants.
enabled Holds a Boolean value that enables or disables the BarButtonItem.
action Contains a function that is automatically called when the user selects the BarButtonItem.
metaData Holds the data needed by the BarButtonItem. For more information see Remarks below.


var item = new voltmx.ui.BarButtonItem(
    tintColor: hex color string,   
    style :constants.BAR_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN,   
    enabled :true,   
    action : funtionObject,   
    metaData:{image:"imagename"}} );

Return Values

Returns an instantiated and configured BarButtonItem object.


The kind of data needed by the BarButtonItem in its metaData key in the options parameter varies depending on the type of the BarButtonItem that is being created. The value for the metaData key can be any of the following.


Set the value for the metaData key to a string containing the name of an image.


Set the value for the metaData key to a string containing the title for the button.


Set the value for the metaData key to a value from the System Item Constants.


Set the value for the metaData key to a widget reference. Only the Label and Button widgets can be set as a widget reference. For these widgets, the following properties are supported.

Widget Properties
Button text, displayText, skin, focusSkin, width, height, onClick
Label text, skin, width, height


Creates a Browser widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX IrisWidget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var basicConfig = {
    "detectTelNumber": false,
    "enableZoom": false,
    "id": "brwInline",
    "isVisible": true,
    "requestURLConfig": {
        "URL": "",
        "requestMethod": constants.BROWSER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET

var LayoutConfig = {
    "containerHeightReference": constants.CONTAINER_HEIGHT_BY_FORM_REFERENCE,
    "containerWeight": 100,
    "margin": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "marginInPixel": false

var PSPConfig = {};

//Creating the browser widget 
    var webtemp = new voltmx.ui.Browser(basicConfig, LayoutConfig, PSPConfig);

//Adding the widge

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Browser widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Returns a URL that points to the privacy policy for Safe Browsing reporting, which is displayed to end users if you want a custom interstition.




var webBasic = {id:"browserID", 
	screenLevelWidget: false, 
	requestURLConfig:{URL: "", 
var webLayout = {containerWeight:100};

//Creating the Browser
var browser = new voltmx.ui.Browser(webBasic, webLayout, {});
//Getting the SafeBrowsingPrivacyPolicyUrl to display a custom interstition



Input Parameters


Return Values

String - The URL that points to a privacy policy document that can be displayed to end users. Returns null if the device API Level is earlier than 27.

Platform Availability

  • Android (API Level 27 and later)


This API is used to set an event callback that is triggered once the Safe Browsing initialization process is completed.

The URL is not guaranteed to be protected by Safe Browsing until after the callback is invoked with true. Safe Browsing is not fully supported on all devices. For those devices, callback will receive false.

For optimal protection against known threats, you must wait until the onSafeBrowsingInitialized callback is triggered with true before you invoke a Browser widget object’s loadUrl() method.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
eventCallback The callback function that is triggered once the Safe Browsing initialization process is completed with the following parameter.


Event Callback Syntax


Input Parameters

Parameter Description
initStatus The value of this parameter is true if the initialization is successful; otherwise, the value is false or it may be null. For Android devices with API level earlier than 27, the callback will not be triggered.



var webBasic = 
  screenLevelWidget: false
var webLayout = {containerWeight:100};

//Creating the Browser
var browser = new voltmx.ui.Browser(webBasic, webLayout, {});
// setting safebrowsing initialization callback

function onSafeBrowsingInitializedCallback(initStatus)
  if(initStatus == true)
   frm.browser.requestURLConfig = {"URL":"", "requestMethod":constants.BROWSER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET};



Platform Availability

  • Android (API Level 27 and later)


Sets the list of hosts (domain names/IP addresses) that are exempt from SafeBrowsing checks. The list of such hosts is global for all Browser widgets across any application.

The following table illustrates the rules that are applicable for different hosts.

RuleExampleMatches Subdomain

All other rules, including wildcards, are not valid. The correct syntax for hosts is defined by RFC 3986.


voltmx.ui.BrowserSettings.setSafeBrowsingWhitelist(\[url1,url2\], callback)



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
Array - Mandatory A mandatory array of the list of hosts.
callback [Function] A JavaScript function that will be called with value as “true,” if the hosts are successfully added to the whitelist. The callback function will be called with value as “false,” if any hosts are malformed. This value may be null.



var webBasic = {id:"browserID", 
	screenLevelWidget: false, 
	requestURLConfig:{URL: "", 
var webLayout = {containerWeight:100};

//Creating the Browser
var browser = new voltmx.ui.Browser(webBasic, webLayout, {});

//Setting the whitelist

function resultCallback(result){}

Platform Availability

  • Android (API Level 27 and later)


Creates a Button widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Button widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Button widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.


//Call back function onClick of button
function onClickCallBack()
    alert("button clicked");  

var basicConfig = {
    "focusSkin": "slButtonGlossRed",
    "height": "50dp",
    "id": "Button0cde40e79ba934b",
    "isVisible": true,
    "left": "65dp",
    "onClick": onClickCallBack,
    "skin": "slButtonGlossBlue",
    "text": "Button",
    "top": "486dp",
    "width": "260dp",
    "zIndex": 1
var LayoutConfig = {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
    "displayText": true,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false
var PSPConfig={};

var Button0cde40e79ba934b = new voltmx.ui.Button(basicConfig,LayoutConfig,PSPConfig);

//Adding the button to the form  

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Button widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Calendar widget.




Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Calendar widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Calendar widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Calendar widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Calendar widget’s properties, see the Volt MX IrisWidget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Calendar widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Calendar widget’s properties, see the VoltMX IrisWidget Programmer’s Guide.


//Defining the properties for a calendar with id:"calendar1"
var basicConf = {
    id: "calendar1",

var layoutConf = {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
    "paddingInPixel": false

var PSPConf = {};

//Creating the Calendar.
var calendar1 = new voltmx.ui.Calendar(basicConf,layoutConf,PSPConf);

//adding the calendar to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Calendar widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Camera widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Camera widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Camera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Camera widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Camera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Camera widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Camera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



function onCameraCaptureAPI(eventobject)
    var  cameraRawBytes = camera1.rawBytes;

    alert("camera raw bytes");
    if( null !== cameraRawBytes)
        cameraRawBytes = null;

var basicConfig = {
    "height": "50dp",
    "id": "camera1",
    "isVisible": true,
    "left": "60dp",
    "onCapture": onCameraCaptureAPI,
    "skin": "slCamera",
    "text": "Camera",
    "top": "405dp",
    "width": "260dp",
    "zIndex": 1

var LayoutConfig = {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false
var PSPConfig = {
    "accessMode": constants.CAMERA_IMAGE_ACCESS_MODE_PUBLIC,
    "enableOverlay": false,
    "enablePhotoCropFeature": false

var camera1 = new voltmx.ui.Camera(basicConfig,LayoutConfig,PSPConfig );

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Camera widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Canvas widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Canvas widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Canvas widget’s properties, see the Volt MX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Canvas widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Canvas widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Canvas widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Canvas widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Sample code to draw a red and a green line using Canvas widget.  
 addCanvasWidget: function() {
  var shapesDataArray = [{
   "shapeid": "shape1",
   "shapeType": voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE,
   "lineStyle": voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_SOLID,
   "thickness": "10px",
   "points": [
    ["5%", "20%"],
    ["95%", "20%"]
   "strokeColor": "ff000000"
  }, {
   "shapeid": "shape2",
   "shapeType": voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE,
   "lineStyle": voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_SOLID,
   "thickness": "10px",
   "points": [
    ["5%", "40%"],
    ["95%", "40%"]
   "strokeColor": "00FF0000"
  var basicConfig = {
   "id": "canvas",
   "isVisible": true,
   "skin": "canvasskin",
   "width": "100%",
   "height": "40%",
   "centerY": "50%",
   "shapesData": shapesDataArray
  var LayoutConfig = {
   "marginInPixel": false,
  var PSPConfig = {};
  var canvas = new voltmx.ui.Canvas(basicConfig, LayoutConfig, PSPConfig);

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Canvas widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a CheckBoxGroup widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the CheckBoxGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.


//Defining the properties for a checkBoxGroup with id:"chkBox1"
var basicConf = { 
    id: "chkBox1",
    isVisible: true,
    masterData": [
        ["cbg1", "Checkbox One"],
        ["cbg2", "Checkbox Two"],
        ["cbg3", "Checkbox Three"]
    "selectedKeyValues": [
        ["cbg1", "Checkbox One"]
    "selectedKeys": ["cbg1"]

var layoutConf = {
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false,
var pspConf = {};

//Create a new Checkbox.
var chkBox1 = new voltmx.ui.CheckBoxGroup(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);
//Adding checkBoxGroup to form

//Call back function onSelection of checkBox
function onSelCallBck(chkBox)
    alert("on selection event triggered");

Return Values

Returns an instantiated CheckBoxGroup widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a ComboBox widget.




Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ComboBox widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ComboBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ComboBox widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ComboBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ComboBox widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ComboBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining properties of ComboBox with d:combobox1
var comboBasic = {
    skin:"comboSkin", selectedKey:"key1", 

var comboLayout = {

var comboPSP= {
    placeholder:"Please select a value", 
//creating a combobox
combo = new voltmx.ui.ComboBox(comboBasic, comboLayout, comboPSP);
//adding the widget to form

Return Values

Returns a ComboBox widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.

voltmx.ui.createAnimation Function

Creates an object that defines an animation.



Input Parameters

| Parameter | Description | | — | — | | animationDefinition | An object that defines the transformations to perform during the animation. |  


var transformObject = voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform();
transformObject.translate(10, 0);
transformObject.scale(0.1, 1);
animationDef = {
    100: {
        "transform": transformObject
animationConfig = {
    duration: 0.3,
    fillMode: voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS
animationDefObject = voltmx.ui.createAnimation(animationDef);	

Return Values

Returns an instantiated animation object.


Creates a DataGrid widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
dgridBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the DataGrid widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the DataGrid widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
dgridLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the DataGrid widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the DataGrid widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
dgridPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the DataGrid widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the DataGrid widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties for dataGrid with id:dgrid
var dgridBasic = {
    info:{key:"This is a datagrid"},
            columnHeaderText:"Account Type",
            columnHeaderText:"Account Number",
            col1:"Checking", col2:"490",col3:"$400",
            metainfo:{skin:"rowskin1", col1_skin:"colskin1"}
            col1:"Checking",col2:"494", col3:"$2000.34"

var dgridLayout = {

var dgridPSP = {};

//Creating the dataGrid.	
var dgrid = new voltmx.ui.DataGrid(dgridBasic, dgridLayout, dgridPSP);
//adding data grid to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated DataGrid widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Every widget used in Volt MX Iris has its own set of properties, methods and events. From V9 SP2, you can use the voltmx.ui.defineExtendedWidget, to provide enhancements to the existing widgets for a specific business requirement without impairing the existing functionalities of the widget. For example, you can extend the capabilities of a Label widget to automatically add the symbol $ at the starting of the text.

For more information, refer the Widget Extensions section in Volt MX Iris User guide.

Note: From V9 SP2 release, you can extend the following basic Volt MX widgets, Button, Image, Label, Switch, TextArea, and TextBox.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
chilWdg A String value containing the namespace to be used by the customized widget.
baseWidget A JavaScript Object containing the base Volt MX class that is extended, such as voltmx.ui.Label.
protoFuncDict A JavaScript object containing the user defined methods for the extended widget. This parameter must have the definition of preInitialializeCall method. For more information about this method, refer the Remarks section.


The protoFuncDict argument inside the voltmx.ui.defineExtendedWidgetAPI, contains the preInitializeCall method to define all the properties of the widget. This method contains the following:

  • Initializations of the properties of the Volt MX widget.
  • The function call of the base class widget constructor (like, bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig);)
  • The new customized properties with their setters and getters.

Here is an example of this method for a Label widget.

preInitializeCall: function() {
  var bconfig = arguments[0];
  var lconfig = arguments[1];
  var pspconfig = arguments[2];
  this.initialize = function(bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig) {
  }, bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig);
  /*The definition of the initializeProperties function must be provided here*/


  • You cannot override the existing properties of the Volt MX widget.
  • You cannot view the extended properties of the Volt MX widget, if you use alert to display the properties of the extended widget.
  • When you pass a custom property in the constructor, the property is not updated until the user updates explicitly.
  • You cannot use multi-level inheritance while using widget extension.
  • You cannot override the existing methods of the existing Volt MX widget class.
  • Extended widget is not supported in the widgets placed inside the Segment widget.

Error Codes

Error Codes Description
4001 This error code is thrown when at least one parameter inside voltmx.ui.defineExtendedWidget API is not defined.
4002 This error code is thrown when the protoFuncDict parameter is not defined as a JSON object.
4003 This error code is thrown when the name of the extended widget class in the childWdg parameter is not a String.
4004 This error code is thrown when the Volt MX widget class provided in the chilWdg parameter is not a registered class.
4005 This error code is thrown when the preInitialializeCall method is not provided in the voltmx.ui.defineExtendedWidget API.
4006 This error code is thrown when the name provided in the childWdg parameter is already a Volt MX widget class.


/*Sample code to extend the Label widget to automatically add the '$' to the starting of the text*/
voltmx.ui.defineExtendedWidget("voltmx.ui2.Label2", voltmx.ui.Label, {
  preInitializeCall: function() {
    var bconfig = arguments[0];
    var lconfig = arguments[1];
    var pspconfig = arguments[2];
    this.initialize = function(bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig) {
    this.initializeProperties = function() {
      //Add your properties here
      var _DummyProperty = "";
      defineSetter(this, "BindingPath", function(val) {
        this.text = val + " #";
        _DummyProperty = val;
      defineGetter(this, "BindingPath", function() {
        return _DummyProperty;
    // Add your functions here
    this.setData = function(data) {
      this.text = "$ " + data;
    };, bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig);
    this.initialize(bconfig, lconfig, pspconfig);
  setProp: function(propName, propValue) {
    this[propName] = propValue;
//Creating an object from Inherited Widget add to form
var myInheritedLabelInstance = new voltmx.ui2.Label2({
  "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus",
  "height": "50dp",
  "id": "myInheritedLabelInstance",
  "isVisible": true,
  "left": "28dp",
  "skin": "defBtnNormal",
  "text": "myInheritedLabelInstance",
  "top": "20%",
  "width": "300dp",
  "zIndex": 1
}, {
  "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
  "displayText": true,
  "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
  "paddingInPixel": false
}, {
  "showProgressIndicator": true

Return Values

Returns an instance of the extended widget.


Creates a FlexContainer widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexContainer widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexContainer widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexContainer widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var basicConfig = {
    "id": "flexContainer1",
    "top": "100dp",
    "left": "30dp",
    "width": "304dp",
    "height": "251dp",
    "zIndex": 10,
    "isVisible": true,
    "skin" : "slFbox05488114024e14c",

var LayoutConfig = {"padding": [0, 0, 0, 0]};
var PSPConfig={};

var flexContainer1 = new voltmx.ui.FlexContainer(basicConfig,LayoutConfig,PSPConfig);

//Adding to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated FlexContainer widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Instantiates a FlexScrollContainer widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexScrollContainer widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties of FlexScrollContainer
function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollStart_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollEnd_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollTouchReleased_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrolling_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onDecelerationStarted_seq0(eventobject) 

function addWidgetstestfrm() 
    var basicConfig = {
        "id": "flexScrollContainer1",
        "top": "5dp",
        "left": "6dp",
        "width": "97.15%",
        "height": "271dp",
        "zIndex": 1,
        "isVisible": true,
        "enableScrolling": true,
        "scrollDirection": voltmx.flex.SCROLL_BOTH,
        "horizontalScrollIndicator": true,
        "verticalScrollIndicator": true,
        "bounces": true,
        "allowHorizontalBounce": true,
        "allowVerticalBounce": true,
        "pagingEnabled": true,
        "Location": "[6,5]",
        "onScrollStart": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollStart_seq0,
        "onScrollEnd": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollEnd_seq0,
        "onScrollTouchReleased": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollTouchReleased_seq0,
        "onScrolling": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrolling_seq0,
        "onDecelerationStarted": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onDecelerationStarted_seq0,
        "bouncesZoom": true,
        "zoomScale": 1.0,
        "minZoomScale": 1.0,
        "maxZoomScale": 1.0,
        "layoutType": voltmx.flex.FREE_FORM

    var layoutConfig = {
        "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
        "marginInPixel": false,
        "paddingInPixel": false
    var platforSpecificConfig = { };
    var flexScrollContainer1 = new voltmx.ui.FlexScrollContainer(basicConfig, layoutConfig, platforSpecificConfig);

function testfrmGlobals() 
    var MenuId = [];
    testfrm = new voltmx.ui.Form2({
        "id": "testfrm",
        "contentOffset": {
            "x": "3dp",
            "y": "4dp"
        "contentSize": {
            "width": "5dp",
            "height": "6dp"
        "enableScrolling": true,
        "bounces": true,
        "allowHorizontalBounce": true,
        "allowVerticalBounce": false,
        "pagingEnabled": true,
        "title": "myfrmt",
        "needAppMenu": true,
        "enabledForIdleTimeout": true,
        "skin": "frm",
        "zoomScale": 22,
        "minZoomScale": 1.0,
        "maxZoomScale": 1.0,
        "layoutType": voltmx.flex.FREE_FORM,
        "addWidgets": addWidgetstestfrm
    }, {
        "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
        "displayOrientation": constants.FORM_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT,
        "paddingInPixel": false
    }, {
        "retainScrollPosition": true,
        "needsIndicatorDuringPostShow": true,
        "formTransparencyDuringPostShow": "100",
        "inputAccessoryViewType": constants.FORM_INPUTACCESSORYVIEW_DEFAULT,
        "bouncesZoom": false,
        "configureExtendTop": true,
        "configureExtendBottom": false,
        "configureStatusBarStyle": false,
        "extendTop": false,
        "titleBar": true,
        "footerOverlap": false,
        "headerOverlap": false,
        "inTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromLeft",
            "transitionEffect": "none"
        "outTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromRight",
            "transitionEffect": "none"

Return Values

Returns a FlexScrollContainer widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information


Creates a new FlexForm widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexForm widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexForm widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexForm widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexForm widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the FlexForm widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the FlexForm widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.


//Defining the properties of FlexScrollContainer
function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollStart_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollEnd_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollTouchReleased_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrolling_seq0(eventobject) 

function testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onDecelerationStarted_seq0(eventobject) 

function addWidgetstestfrm() 
    var basicConfig = {
        "id": "flexScrollContainer1",
        "top": "5dp",
        "left": "6dp",
        "width": "97.15%",
        "height": "271dp",
        "zIndex": 1,
        "isVisible": true,
        "enableScrolling": true,
        "scrollDirection": voltmx.flex.SCROLL_BOTH,
        "horizontalScrollIndicator": true,
        "verticalScrollIndicator": true,
        "bounces": true,
        "allowHorizontalBounce": true,
        "allowVerticalBounce": true,
        "pagingEnabled": true,
        "Location": "[6,5]",
        "onScrollStart": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollStart_seq0,
        "onScrollEnd": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollEnd_seq0,
        "onScrollTouchReleased": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrollTouchReleased_seq0,
        "onScrolling": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onScrolling_seq0,
        "onDecelerationStarted": testfrm_flexScrollContainer1_onDecelerationStarted_seq0,
        "bouncesZoom": true,
        "zoomScale": 1.0,
        "minZoomScale": 1.0,
        "maxZoomScale": 1.0,
        "layoutType": voltmx.flex.FREE_FORM

    var layoutConfig = {
        "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
        "marginInPixel": false,
        "paddingInPixel": false
    var platforSpecificConfig = { };
    var flexScrollContainer1 = new voltmx.ui.FlexScrollContainer(basicConfig, layoutConfig, platforSpecificConfig);

// Create a FlexForm and add a FlexFormContainer to it.
function testfrmGlobals() 
    var MenuId = [];

    // Call the constructor for a FlexForm.
    testfrm = new voltmx.ui.Form2({    // Definition for the basicConf parameter.
        "id": "testfrm",
        "contentOffset": {
            "x": "3dp",
            "y": "4dp"
        "contentSize": {
            "width": "5dp",
            "height": "6dp"
        "enableScrolling": true,
        "bounces": true,
        "allowHorizontalBounce": true,
        "allowVerticalBounce": false,
        "pagingEnabled": true,
        "title": "myfrmt",
        "needAppMenu": true,
        "enabledForIdleTimeout": true,
        "skin": "frm",
        "zoomScale": 22,
        "minZoomScale": 1.0,
        "maxZoomScale": 1.0,
        "layoutType": voltmx.flex.FREE_FORM,
        "addWidgets": addWidgetstestfrm
    }, {    // Definition for the layoutConf.
        "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
        "displayOrientation": constants.FORM_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT,
        "paddingInPixel": false
    }, {    // Definition for the pspConf parameter.
        "retainScrollPosition": true,
        "needsIndicatorDuringPostShow": true,
        "formTransparencyDuringPostShow": "100",
        "inputAccessoryViewType": constants.FORM_INPUTACCESSORYVIEW_DEFAULT,
        "bouncesZoom": false,
        "configureExtendTop": true,
        "configureExtendBottom": false,
        "configureStatusBarStyle": false,
        "extendTop": false,
        "titleBar": true,
        "footerOverlap": false,
        "headerOverlap": false,
        "inTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromLeft",
            "transitionEffect": "none"
        "outTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromRight",
            "transitionEffect": "none"

Return Values

Returns a FlexForm widget.


FlexForms created with this function are the recommended type of form to use in your applications. Legacy box forms should not be used in new software.

All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a HorizontalImageStrip widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
hImgBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
hImgLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
hImgPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the HorizontalImageStrip widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties for Image strip with id:hImg1
var hImgBasic = {

var hImgLayout = {

var hImgPSP={};

//Creating the Horizontal Image strip.
var hImg1=new voltmx.ui.HorizontalImageStrip2(hImgBasic, hImgLayout, hImgPSP);
// add widget to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated HorizontalImageStrip object.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates an Image widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Image widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Image widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Image widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Image widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Image widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Image widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var basicConfig = {
    "id": "imgBullet1",
    "isVisible": true,
    "src": "bullet_white.png"

var LayoutConfig = {
    "containerWeight": 11,
    "imageScaleMode": constants.IMAGE_SCALE_MODE_MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO,
    "margin": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "marginInPixel": false,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false,
    "widgetAlignment": constants.WIDGET_ALIGN_CENTER

var PSPConfImage = {glossyEffect:constants.MAGE_GLOSSY_EFFECT_RADIAL};

//Creating the Image 
var imageIdTest = new voltmx.ui.Image2(basicConfig, LayoutConfig, PSPConfImage);

//Adding widget to form.

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Image widget.


The Image widget, like all widgets, is a UI element that you can place of forms when you design your program or add programmatically at runtime. It simply displays images on the screen. The Image widget is different from the Image object, which encapsulates images in code for cropping, scaling, and other similar operations.

All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates an ImageGallery widget.


    imgGalPSP );

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
imgGalBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ImageGallery widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ImageGallery widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
imgGalLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ImageGallery widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ImageGallery widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
imgGalPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ImageGallery widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ImageGallery widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.


//Defining the properties for ImageGallery widget with id:imgGallery
var imgGalBasic = { 
    id: "imgGallery",
    isVisible: true,
    skin: "gradroundfocusbtn",
    focusSkin: "gradroundfocusbtn",
    spaceBetweenImages: 50};
    var imgGalLayout = {
        var imgGalPSP = {itemsPerRow:3,

// Creating the ImageGallery.
var imgGallery = new voltmx.ui.ImageGallery(imgGalBasic,imgGalLayout,imgGalPSP );
//adding the widget to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated ImageGallery widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Label widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
basicConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Label widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Label widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
layoutConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Label widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Label widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pspConfig A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Label widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Label widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var basicConfig = {
    "id":  "lblDescription2",
    "isVisible": true,
    "skin": "sknLblWhiteSampleApp",
    "text": "Generating checksum"

var LayoutConfig= {
    "containerWeight": 89,
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT,
    "hExpand": true,
    "margin": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "marginInPixel": false,
    "padding": [6, 5, 6, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": true,
    "vExpand": false,
    "widgetAlignment": constants.WIDGET_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT

var PSPConfig = {
// Creating the label.
var lbl = new voltmx.ui.Label(basicConfig, LayoutConfig, PSPConfig);

// Adding the label to form  

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Label widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Line widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
lineBasicConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Line widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Line widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
lineLayoutConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Line widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Line widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
linePSPConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Line widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Line widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties for a Line with id:"line".
var lineBasicConf = {

var lineLayoutConf = {

var linePSPConf = {};

//Creating the Line.
var line1 = new voltmx.ui.Line(lineBasicConf,lineLayoutConf,linePSPConf);
//adding line to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Line widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Link widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
linkBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Link widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Link widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
linkLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Link widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Link widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
linkPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Link widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Link widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining properties for a link widget with id:link1
var linkBasic = {
    text:"Click here",

var linkLayout = {

var linkPSP = {blockedUISkin:"blkSkin"};

//Creating the link.
var link1 = new voltmx.ui.Link(linkBasic, linkLayout, linkPSP);
//adding widget to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Link widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a ListBox widget.




Parameter Description
listBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ListBox widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ListBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
listLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ListBox widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ListBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
listPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the ListBox widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the ListBox widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining properties for a listbox with id:listbox
var listBasic = {
        ["lb1", "Listbox One"],
        ["lb2", "Listbox Two"],
        ["lb3", "Listbox Three"]
    "selectedKey": "lb1",
    ["lb1", "Listbox One"],
    "skin": "slListBox"
var listLayout = {
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_MIDDLE_LEFT,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false
var listPSP = {
    "applySkinsToPopup": true,
    "placeholder": "MyListbox",
    "viewType": constants.LISTBOX_VIEW_TYPE_LISTVIEW

//Creating the ListBox.
var listbx = new voltmx.ui.ListBox(listBasic, listLayout, listPSP);

//Adding listbox to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated ListBox widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a Map widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
mapBasicConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Map widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Map widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
mapLayoutConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Map widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Map widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
mapPSPConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Map widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Map widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties for map with id:map1
var mapBasicConf = {
    id: "map1",
    defaultPinImage: "kmpin.png",

var mapLayoutConf = {

var mapPSPConf = {
    mode: constants.MAP_VIEW_MODE_HYBRID,

//Creating the map with the properties defined above.
var map = new voltmx.ui.Map(mapBasicConf,mapLayoutConf,mapPSPConf);
//adding widget to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Map widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a transformation object that can be used in an animation definition.




 *	Name    : createAnimation
 *	Author  : VoltMX
 *	Purpose : To call makeAffineTransform API and createAnimation API on widgets.
function animation() {

    // Creates a transformation object that can be used in an animation definition. 
    var transformObject = voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform();

    // Add a translation and a scale.					
    transformObject.translate(10, 0);
    transformObject.scale(0.1, 1);

    // Create the animation definition.			
    animationDef = {
        100: {
            "transform": transformObject

    //Create the animation configuration.
    animationConfig = {
        duration: 0.3,
        fillMode: voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS

    // Creates an object that defines an animation.
    animationDefObject = voltmx.ui.createAnimation(animationDef);
    Form0bf93c59bdc404d.Button00aaa01360b0349.animate(animationDefObject, animationConfig);


Input Parameters


Return Vales

An object that can be used to specify a transformation.


Creates a MLCamera widget.


voltmx.ui.MLCamera(mlCamBasic, mlCamLayout, mlCamPsp);

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
mlCamBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the MLCamera widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the MLCamera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
mlCamLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the MLCamera widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the MLCamera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
mlCamPsp A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the MLCamera widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the MLCamera widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



// //Sample code for creating an MLCamera widget.
var mlCamBasic = {
 "height": "85%",
 "id": "mlCamera",
 "isVisible": true,
 "left": "5dp",
 "top": "55dp",
 "width": "100%",
 "zIndex": 1
var mlCamLayout = {};
var mlCamPsp = {};
var mlCamera = new voltmx.ui.MLCamera(mlCamBasic, mlCamLayout, mlCamPsp);

Return Values

Returns an instantiated MLCamera widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates the PDFView widget. It occupies some space on a form depending on its positional and dimensional properties.


voltmx.ui.PDFView(pdfBasic, pdfLayout, pdfPsp)

Input Parameters

| Parameter | Description | | — | — | | pdfBasic | A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PDFView widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PDFView widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide. | | pdfLayout | A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PDFView widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PDFView widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide. | | pdfPsp | A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PDFView widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PDFView widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide. |  


//Sample code for creating an PDFView widget. 

var pdfBasic = {

 "id": " pdfViewID",
 "isVisible": true,
 "left": "0dp",
 "top": "0dp",
 "width": "100%",
 "height": "100%",
 "url": ""
var pdfayout = {
 containerHeight: 100
var pdfPsp = {};
var pdfViewID = new voltmx.ui.PDFView(pdfBasic, pdfLayout, pdfPsp);

Return Values

Returns an instantiated and configured PDFView widget.

Platform Availability



Creates a Phone widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
phBasicConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Phone widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Phone widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
phLayoutConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Phone widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Map widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
phPSPConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Phone widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Phone widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



// Create a phone widget.
var phBasic={
    "focusSkin": "phoneFocus",
    "id": "phone192735980025729",
    "isVisible": true,
    "onClick": makeCall,
    "skin": "phnImg",
    "text": "123-456-7890"
var phLayout={
    "containerWeight": 100,
    "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,
    "displayText": true,
    "hExpand": true,
    "margin": [12, 4, 12, 4],
    "marginInPixel": true,
    "padding": [3, 10, 3, 10],
    "paddingInPixel": true,
    "vExpand": false,
    "widgetAlignment": constants.WIDGET_ALIGN_CENTER
var phPSP={};		

//creating the widget
var phone192735980025729 = new voltmx.ui.Phone(phBasic,phLayout,phPSP);
//adding widget to form 

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Phone widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a PickerView widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
pickerBasic JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PickerView widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PickerView widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pickerLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PickerView widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PickerView widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
pickerPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the PickerView widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the PickerView widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining the properties for PickerView with id:picker
var pickerBasic = {
    "masterData": [
            ["y1", "2009"],
            ["y2", "2010"],
            ["y3", "2011"], 
            ["m1", "Jan"],
            ["m2", "Feb"],
            ["m3", "Mar"],
            ["m4", "Apr"],
            ["m5", "May"],
            ["m6", "Jun"],
            ["m7", "Jul"], 

var pickerLayout =  { 

//Creating the PickerView.
var picker = new voltmx.ui.PickerView(pickerBasic, pickerLayout, {});

//Reading onSelect of the pickerView.
voltmx.print("pickerView onSelect event::"+picker.onSelect);

//adding widget to form

//The below function is the callback function for onSelect event.
function onSelectCalBck(picker)

Return Values

Returns an instantiated PickerView widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates a RadioButtonGroup widget



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
radioBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
radioLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
radioPSP A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the RadioButtonGroup widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Defining properties for RadioButtonGroup with id:RadioButton
var radioBasic = {
    "masterData": [
        ["rbg1", "Radiobutton One"],
        ["rbg2", "Radiobutton Two"],
        ["rbg3", "Radiobutton Three"]
    "selectedKey": "rbg1",
    "selectedKeyValue": ["rbg1", "Radiobutton One"],
var radioLayout = {
    "itemOrientation": constants.RADIOGROUP_ITEM_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL,
    "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0],
    "paddingInPixel": false

var radioPSP = {

//Creating the RadioButtonGroup
radioBtn = new voltmx.ui.RadioButtonGroup(radioBasic, radioLayout, radioPSP);

//Reading the id of the RadioButtonGroup		
alert("RadioButtonGroup Id ::";

//add radio button group to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated RadioButtonGroup widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.


Creates the SignInWithApple widget.


voltmx.ui.signInWithApple(signInWithAppleBasic, signInWithAppleLayout, signInWithApplePsp)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
signInWithAppleBasic A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the SignInWithApple widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the SignInWithApple widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide.
signInWithAppleLayout A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the SignInWithApple widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the SignInWithApple widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide.
signInWithApplePsp A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the SignInWithApple widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the SignInWithApple widget’s properties, see the Widget Programmer’s Guide.



//Sample code for creating a SignInWithApple widget. 

var signInWithAppleBasic= {  
 "authorizationButtonType": voltmx.signinwithapple.BUTTON_TYPE_DEFAULT,  
 "authorizationButtonCornerRadius" : 20.0,  
 "onSuccessCallback": callback1,  
var signInWithAppleLayout= {  
 "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER,  
 "displayText": true  
var signInWithApplePsp= {};  
var signInWithApple = new voltmx.ui.SignInWithApple(signInWithAppleBasic,signInWithAppleLayout, signInWithApplePsp);  

Return Values

Returns an instantiated and configured PDFView widget.

Platform Availability



Creates a Toast object.

Important: The voltmx.ui.Toast function is only available for the Android platform.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
configParams A JavaScript object that contains key-value pairs that provide the configuration of the toast to be created. The following keys are supported. text: The text for the toast to display.duration: The duration of time that the toast appears on the screen. This must be set to one of the Toast Duration Constants.


var toast = new voltmx.ui.Toast({
  "text": "This is the toast's text.",
  "duration": constants.SHORT

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Toast Object.

Platform Availability

  • Android

Creates a Video widget.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
vidBasicConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Video widget’s basic properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Video widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
vidLayoutConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Video widget’s layout properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Video widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.
vidPSPConf A JavaScript object containing key-value pairs. The keys are the names of the Video widget’s platform-specific properties and the values are the initial values of the properties. For a complete list of the Video widget’s properties, see the VoltMX Iris Widget Programmer’s Guide.



var vidBasic = {
    "id": "video1",
    "source": {
        "mp4": "", 
        "mov": video file path,
        "rawBytes": camera1.rawBytes

var vidLayout = {
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",
    "zIndex": 3

var vidPSP = {
    "controls": false,
    "poster": null

// Creating the widget
var video1 = new voltmx.ui.Video(vidBasic, vidLayout, vidPSP);
//adding widget to form

Return Values

Returns an instantiated Video widget.


All writable properties can be optionally passed inside dictionary objects to the constructor. Unspecified properties or an empty constructor results in the defaults values being used for all unprovided information.