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Canvas Properties

The basic properties for Canvas widget are:

bottom Property

This property determines the bottom edge of the widget and is measured from the bottom bounds of the parent container.

The bottom property determines the position of the bottom edge of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the bottom edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, the value is ignored. In flow-horizontal layout, the value is ignored.

The bottom property is used only if the Height property is not provided.






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The property determines the bottom edge of the widget and is measured from the bottom bounds of the parent container.

If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_VERTICAL, the bottom property is measured from the top edge of bottom sibling widget. The vertical space between two widgets is measured from bottom of the top sibling widget and the top of the bottom sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the bottom property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.bottom = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.bottom = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.bottom = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA , and Desktop Web

centerX Property

This property determines the center of a widget measured from the left bounds of the parent container.

The centerX property determines the horizontal center of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container. In flow-horizontal layout, the distance is measured from the right edge of the previous sibling widget in the hierarchy.






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If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_HORIZONTAL, the centerX property is measured from right edge of the left sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the centerX property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.centerX = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.centerX = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.centerX = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

centerY Property

This property determines the center of a widget measured from the top bounds of the parent container.

The centerY property determines the vertical center of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the top edge of the parent container. In flow-horizontal layout, the distance is measured from the top edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, the distance is measured from the bottom edge of the previous sibling widget in the hierarchy.






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If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_VERTICAL, the centerY property is measured from bottom edge of the top sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the centerY property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.centerY = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.centerY = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.centerY = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

cursorType Property

In Desktop Web applications, when you hover the mouse over any widget, a mouse pointer appears. Using the cursorType property in Iris, you can specify the type of the mouse pointer.





You must provide valid CSS cursor value such as wait, grab, help, etc. to the cursorType property.


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To add the cursorType property using Volt MX Iris in a Desktop Web application, follow these steps.

  1. In Volt MX Iris, open the Desktop Web application. From the Project explorer, expand Responsive Web/ Desktop> Forms and select the form to which you need to make the changes.
  2. On the canvas, select the widget for which you want to specify the cursor type. For example, button.
  3. From the Properties panel, navigate to the Skin tab > Hover Skin tab.
    You will find that the details of the hover skin is not enabled here.
  4. Check the Enable option to add a hover skin to your widget.
    The details and configurations of the hover skin is enabled.
  5. Under the General section, for the Platform option, click the ellipsis icon.
    The Fork Skin window appears.
  6. In the Fork Skin window, for Desktop, check under HTML5 SPA.
  7. Click Ok. You have successfully forked your hover skin for Desktop Web application.
    You can see that the Cursor Type property has been added under the General section.
  8. Select a value from the drop-down list to set the Cursor Type for the widget.


//This is a generic property and is applicable for many widgets.  

/*The example provided is for the Button widget. Make the required changes in the example while using other widgets.*/

frmButton.myButton.cursorType = "wait";

Platform Availability

  • Available in IDE
  • Desktop Web

height Property

It determines the height of the widget and measured along the y-axis.

The height property determines the height of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. For supported widgets, the height may be derived from either the widget or container’s contents by setting the height to “preferred”.




Number, String, and Constant


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Following are the available measurement options:

  • %: Specifies the values in percentage relative to the parent dimensions.
  • px: Specifies the values in terms of device hardware pixels.
  • dp: Specifies the values in terms of device independent pixels.
  • default: Specifies the default value of the widget.
  • voltmx.flex.USE_PREFERED_SIZE: When this option is specified, the layout uses preferred height of the widget as height and preferred size of the widget is determined by the widget and may varies between platforms.


//Sample code to set the height property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.label1.height = "50dp";

frmHome.label1. height = "10%";

frmHome.label1. height = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

id Property

id is the unique identifier of a Canvas widget consisting of alpha numeric characters. Every widget should have a unique id within a Form.




String - [Mandatory]


Yes - (Read only)


//Defining the properties for a label with id:"label1"
var lblBasic = {
    id: "label1",
    skin: "labelSkin",
    text: "Hello world",
    isVisible: true
var lblLayout = {
    containerWeight: 100,
    padding: [5, 5, 5, 5],
    margin: [5, 5, 5, 5],
    hExpand: true,
    vExpand: false
var lblPSP = {};

//Creating the label.
var label1 = new voltmx.ui.Label(lblBasic, lblLayout, lblPSP);

//Reading the id of the label
alert("Label id::" +;

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

info Property

A custom JavaScript object with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget. This will help in avoiding the global variables that are part of most programming.






Yes - (Read and Write)


Note: This is a non-Constructor property. You cannot set this property through widget constructor. But you can read and write data to it.

Info property can hold any JavaScript object. After assigning the JavaScript object to info property, the JavaScript object should not be modified. For example,

var inf = {
    a: 'hello'
}; = inf; //works = 'hello world';
/*This will not update the widget info a property to Hello world. will have old value as hello*/


//Sample code to set info property for a Label widget = {
    key: "LABEL"

//Reading the info of the Camera widget.
voltmx.print("Camera info ::";

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android , Windows, and SPA

isVisible Property

This property controls the visibility of a widget on the Form.






Yes - (Read and Write)


The default value for this property is true. If set to false, the label is not displayed on the Form. If set to true, the label is displayed on the Form.

Note: This property is not applicable if the widget is placed in a Segment. When the widget is placed in a Segment, the visibility of the widget is controlled by the data property of the segment.


//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the isVisible Property for camera widget.
/*You need to make a corresponding use of the 
isVisible Property for other applicable widgets.*/

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

left Property

This property determines the lower left corner edge of the widget and is measured from the left bounds of the parent container.

The left property determines the position of the left edge of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container. In flow-horizontal layout, the distance is measured from the right edge of the previous sibling widget in the hierarchy.






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If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_HORIZONTAL, the left property is measured from right edge of the left sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the left property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.left = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.left = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.left = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

maxHeight Property

This property specifies the maximum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.

The maxHeight property determines the maximum height of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. The maxHeight value overrides the preferred, or “autogrow” height, if the maxHeight is less than the derived content height of the widget.






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//Sample code to set the maxHeight property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.maxHeight = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.maxHeight = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.maxHeight = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

maxWidth Property

This property specifies the maximum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.

The Width property determines the maximum width of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. The maxWidth value overrides the preferred, or “autogrow” width, if the maxWidth is less than the derived content width of the widget.






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//Sample code to set the maxWidth property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.maxWidth = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.maxWidth = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.maxWidth = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

minHeight Property

This property specifies the minimum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.

The minHeight property determines the minimum height of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. The minHeight value overrides the preferred, or “autogrow” height, if the minHeight is larger than the derived content height of the widget.






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//Sample code to set the minHeight property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.minHeight = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.minHeight = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.minHeight = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

minWidth Property

This property specifies the minimum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.

The minWidth property determines the minimum width of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. The minWidth value overrides the preferred, or “autogrow” width, if the minWidth is larger than the derived content width of the widget.






Read only


//Sample code to set the minWidth property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.minWidth = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.minWidth = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.minWidth = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

opacity Property

Specifies the opacity of the widget. The value of this property must be in the range 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Any values outside this range are fixed to the nearest minimum or maximum value.

Specifies the opacity of the widget. Valid opacity values range from 0.0 (transparent), to 1.0 (opaque). Values set to less than zero will default to zero. Values more than 1.0 will default to 1. Interaction events set on a transparent widget will still be fired. To disable the events, also set the “isVisible” property to “false”.






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Note: This property has more priority compared to the values coming from the configured skin.


//Sample code to make the widget transparent by using the opacity property.
frmHome.widgetID.opacity = 0;

//Sample code to make the widget opaque by using the opacity property.
frmHome.widgetID.opacity = 1;

Platform Availability

  • Not available in the IDE.
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

parent Property

Helps you access the parent of the widget. If the widget is not part of the widget hierarchy, the parent property returns null.




Read only


Note: The property works for all the widgets inside a FlexForm, FlexContainer or FlexScrollContainer.


function func() {

    voltmx.print("The parent of the widget" + JSON.stringify(Form1.widgetID.parent));


Platform Availability

  • Not available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

right Property

This property determines the lower right corner of the widget and is measured from the right bounds of the parent container.

The right property determines the position of the right edge of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, value is ignored. In flow-horizontal layout, the value is ignored.

The right property is used only if the width property is not provided.






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If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_HORIZONTAL, the right property is measured from left edge of the right sibling widget. The horizontal space between two widgets is measured from right of the left sibling widget and left of the right sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the right property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.right = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.right = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.right = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

shapesData Property

The shapesData property contains the configuration of the shapes drawn in a Canvas widget. This configuration includes the shape identifier, the type of the shape, and color. You can use the shapesData property to draw and replace the shapes that are present inside a Canvas widget.



Input Parameters

The input parameter of the shapesData property is an array of the configurations of each shape.

Each configuration is a JavaScript object with the following keys.

Parameter NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
shapeidString This is a mandatory parameter and it specifies a unique parameter to identify the shape.If a Canvas widget contains another shape with the same shape id, the latest shape configuration is ignored.
shapeTypeConstant This is a mandatory parameter. The following constant is supported for shapeType: voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE
strokeColorStringBLACKThis is an optional parameter and it specifies the color of the shape. You must provide the color of the shape which you want to draw in RGBA Hexadecimal format. For example, 0xFF0000FF and FF0000FF, are both valid formats for RED color.
pointsArray of [x,y] coordinatesThe default unit of coordinates is DP.This is a mandatory parameter when the shapeType parameter is set as voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE.You can set the [x,y] coordinates in either DP, PX, or percentage.
thicknessString1 px. If a number is mentioned without a unit, the default unit would be DP.This is an optional parameter and it is applicable only when the shapeType parameter is set as voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE. You must provide the thickness parameter in DP or PX.
lineStyleConstantvoltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_SOLIDThis is an optional parameter and it is applicable only when the shapeType parameter is set as voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE. The lineStyle parameter specifies the type of line you want to draw in the Canvas widget. The possible values for this parameter are as follows: voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_SOLID voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_DASHED
lineStyleConfigArray of [x,y] coordinates["1 px","1 px"]. If a number is mentioned without a unit, the default unit would be DP.This is an optional parameter and it is applicable only when the lineStyle parameter is set as voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_DASHED. The lineStyleConfig parameter specifies the intervals at which you want the dotted lines to appear. These intervals must always be greater than or equal to two.

Note: When you assign a null value to shapesData property, all the shapes drawn inside the Canvas widget is cleared.


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  • The lineStyleConfig parameter must contain an even number of entries. If you provide an array with odd number of intervals, the last entry in the array is not considered.


Error code Name Message Reason
6001 Invalid shapesData shapesData does not have a mandatory value for the shapeid parameter This exception occurs when the configuration of shapes in the shapesData property does not have a shapeid value.
6001 Invalid shapesData shapesData does not have mandatory value for the shapeType parameter This exception occurs when the configuration of shapes in the shapesData property does not have a shapeType value.
6001 Invalid shapesData shapesData does not have mandatory points for the shapeType line. This exception occurs when the configuration of shapes in the shapesData property does not have points for the shapeType line.
6002 Invalid shapesData shapesData contains duplicate shape identifiers . This exception occurs when there is more than one shape with the same identifier.


//Sample code to set shapesData property for Canvas widget.
frmCanvas.myCanvas.shapesData = [{
 "shapeid": "shape1",
 "shapeType": voltmx.canvas.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE,
 "lineStyle": voltmx.canvas.LINE_STYLE_DASHED,
 "lineStyleConfig": ["1px", "1px"],
 "thickness": "2px",
 "points": [
  ["10px", "10px"],
  ["100px", "10px"]
 strokeColor: "ff000000",

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

skin Property

Specifies the look and feel of a widget when not in focus.






Yes - (Read and Write)


//Sample code to set the skin property for Canvas widget."canvasSkin";

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA

top Property

This property determines the top edge of the widget and measured from the top bounds of the parent container.

The top property determines the position of the top edge of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. In freeform layout, the distance is measured from the top edge of the parent container. In flow-vertical layout, the distance is measured from the bottom edge of the previous sibling widget in the hierarchy. In flow-horizontal layout, the distance is measured from the left edge of the parent container.






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If the layoutType is set as voltmx.flex.FLOW_VERTICAL, the top property is measured from the bottom edge of the top sibling widget. The vertical space between two widgets is measured from bottom of the top sibling widget and top of the bottom sibling widget.


//Sample code to set the top property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels. = "50dp"; = "10%"; = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

width Property

This property determines the width of the widget and is measured along the x-axis.

The width property determines the width of the widget’s bounding box. The value may be set using DP (Device Independent Pixels), Percentage, or Pixels. For supported widgets, the width may be derived from either the widget or container’s contents by setting the width to “preferred”.




Number, String, and Constant


Read + Write


Following are the options that can be used as units of width:

  • %: Specifies the values in percentage relative to the parent dimensions.
  • px: Specifies the values in terms of device hardware pixels.
  • dp: Specifies the values in terms of device independent pixels.
  • default: Specifies the default value of the widget.
  • voltmx.flex.USE_PREFERED_SIZE: When this option is specified, the layout uses preferred width of the widget as width and preferred size of the widget is determined by the widget and may varies between platforms.


//Sample code to set the width property for widgets by using DP, Percentage and Pixels.
frmHome.widgetID.width = "50dp";

frmHome.widgetID.width = "10%";

frmHome.widgetID.width = "10px";

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

zIndex Property

This property specifies the stack order of a widget. A widget with a higher zIndex is always in front of a widget with a lower zIndex.

The zIndex property is used to set the stack, or layer order of a widget. Widgets with higher values will appear “over”, or “on top of” widgets with lower values. Widgets layered over other widgets will override any interaction events tied to widgets beneath. Modifying the zIndex does not modify the order of the widgets in the Volt MX Iris hierarchy, inside of a flexContainer or form. The zIndex property accepts only positive values.






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The default value for this property is 1.

Note: Modifying the zIndex does not modify the order of the widgets inside the FlexContainer. If zIndex is same for group of overlapping widgets then widget order decides the order of overlapping. The last added widget is displayed on top.

From Volt MX Iris V9 SP2 FP7, developers can configure the Z Index value for a Responsive Web app as Auto or Custom. When the selected Z Index value is Auto, the default Z Index value of 1 is applied. When the selected Z Index value is Custom, developers can specify a desired numeric value.

Prior to the V9 SP2 FP7 release, the default value for the Z Index was 1. When developers imported any third-party libraries with the Z index set as Auto, content overflow was disabled as the value of Auto is less than 1.

Note: The Z Index value Auto is supported only when the Enable JS Library mode is configured as unchecked.

For existing components, the value of the Z Index is configured as 1 for the Native channel. For the Responsive Web channel, the Z Index will be set as Custom with 1 as the value.

For new components, the value of the Z Index is configured as 1 for the Native channel. For the Responsive Web channel, the Z Index will be set as Auto or 1 based on the project level settings.

Note: If ModalContainer property is set to true in any of the FlexContainer widget, the Z Index value of that container and all of its parent containers should be set to Custom.

voltmx.flex.ZINDEX_AUTO : Constant to configure the Z Index value as auto programmatically.

//Sample code to set the ZIndex value to Auto  
 var flx = new voltmx.ui.FlexContainer({ 
  "id": "flx"
  "zIndex": voltmx.flex.ZINDEX_AUTO

//Sample code to set the ZIndex value to Auto
flx.zIndex = voltmx.flex.ZINDEX\_AUTO;


//Sample code to set the zIndex property for widgets.  
frmHome.widgetID.zIndex = 300;

Platform Availability

  • Available in the IDE
  • iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web