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You are here: Appendix F: Support for iPhone X

Support for iPhone X

iPhone X comes with a super retina edge to edge display with 458 PPI. It comes with a device height of 812, width of 375 and a screen resolution of 2436×1125 (@3X). In iPhone X, Face ID replaces the Touch ID authentication.

Note: For information about how to detect whether an iPhone device supports either the Touch ID or Face ID feature, refer the getBiometryType API.


  • You must have Xcode 9.0.1 to test the applications on iPhone X simulator.


To provide support for iPhone X on Volt MX Iris, do the following:

  • Provide a 3X splash image: Current Apps which do not have a 3X splash image, will not be able to fill the complete screen, from edge to edge in iPhone X. Splash screen with name splashscreen-812h@3x.png with a resolution of 1125 By 2436 should be provided for iPhone X.
  • Provide a 2×1 splash video: Current Apps which do not have a splash video of the resolution 2×1, will not fit-to-screen in iPhone X. Splash video with name splashvideo-2x1.mp4 should be provided for iPhone X. This ensures that the video will fit-to-screen and will not extend in the AVKit safe area. For details on AVKit Safe Area, refer to Human Interface Guidelines for iPhone X.
  • Add NSFaceIDUsageDescription in the infoplist_configuration.json: You must add the NSFaceIDUsageDescription (Privacy - Face ID Usage Description) key in the configuration file for the Face ID to work. Navigation path: projectname/resources/common/infoplist_configuration.json. If you do not perform the above step, the app will crash. See Apple's documentation for more information.
