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Threading APIs consist of the following functions, which are a part of the voltmx Namespace.


This API helps you run the JavaScript code on the main thread. It is an asynchronous API. It posts a message to the main thread to invoke a function f with parameters arguments.

Note: If runonMainThread is invoked in a JavaScript function that is already running on the main thread, then the function is executed in synchronous mode.


voltmx.runOnMainThread (f, args)

Input Parameters

Parameters Description
f [Function] - Mandatory Specifies the callback function that must be executed.
args [Array] - Mandatory Specifies the JavaScript array that holds the parameters to be passed to function f.


voltmx.runOnMainThread(mainthread, []);
function mainthread () {
   voltmx.print ("Running on On Main Thread");

Return Values


Platform Availability

  • Android
  • iOS


Provides apps with multithreading capabilities.



Input Parameters

Parameters Description
f Specifies the callback function that must be executed.
args Specifies an array that holds the parameters to be passed to the function indicated by the f  parameter.


voltmx.runOnWorkerThread(workermethod, []);
function workermethod () {
   voltmx.print ("Running on On Worker Thread");

Return Values



This function helps you run JavaScript code asynchronously on a worker thread. It posts a message to the worker thread that owns the current JavaScript context to invoke the function specified in the f parameter.

Important: The assumption here is that main thread does not own any JavaScript context. The VM/closure thread and worker threads own the JavaScript context. When the voltmx.runOnWorkerThread is invoked from the main thread, a message is posted to the thread that originally invoked the voltmx.runOnMainThread. If the runonWorkerThread is invoked in a JavaScript function that is already running on the worker thread, then the function would be executed in synchronous mode.

Platform Availability

  • Android
  • iOS