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voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform Function

The details of the voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform function, which is part of the voltmx.ui Namespace, are as follows.


Creates a transformation object that can be used in an animation definition.




 *  Name    : createAnimation
 *  Author  : Volt MX
 *  Purpose : To call makeAffineTransform API and createAnimation API on widgets.
function animation() {

    // Creates a transformation object that can be used in an animation definition. 
    var transformObject = voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform();

    // Add a translation and a scale.                   
    transformObject.translate(10, 0);
    transformObject.scale(0.1, 1);

    // Create the animation definition.         
    animationDef = {
        100: {
            "transform": transformObject

    //Create the animation configuration.
    animationConfig = {
        duration: 0.3,
        fillMode: voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS

    // Creates an object that defines an animation.
    animationDefObject = voltmx.ui.createAnimation(animationDef);
    Form0bf93c59bdc404d.Button00aaa01360b0349.animate(animationDefObject, animationConfig);


Input Parameters


Return Vales

An object that can be used to specify a transformation.