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voltmx.ui.createAnimation Function

The details of the voltmx.ui.createAnimation function, which is part of the voltmx.ui Namespace, are as follows.

voltmx.ui.createAnimation Function

Creates an object that defines an animation.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
animationDefinition An object that defines the transformations to perform during the animation.


var transformObject = voltmx.ui.makeAffineTransform();
transformObject.translate(10, 0);
transformObject.scale(0.1, 1);
animationDef = {
    100: {
        "transform": transformObject
animationConfig = {
    duration: 0.3,
    fillMode: voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS
animationDefObject = voltmx.ui.createAnimation(animationDef);   

Return Values

Returns an instantiated animation object.