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voltmx.reactNative Namespace

The voltmx.reactNative APIs namespace contains the following JavaScript APIs. The voltmx.reactNative APIs are available from V9 SP2 onwards.


The voltmx.reactNative namespace contains the following functions.


This API registers a callback/listener for the incoming request from the React Native app context. The callback that is set by using the voltmx.reactNative.setCallback API will be invoked while using the reactNative.invokeVoltMXCallback API from the React Native app.

Note: Calling the voltmx.reactNative.setCallback API two or more times with different callbacks will override the previously set callback with the recent one.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
callback This parameter registers a function with the following signature. function callback(id,args){ ................ }

The callback function does not have any return value and consists of the following parameters:

  • id: Unique identifier of the React Native app's request. This identifier is used to bind a request with the response.

Note: While using the voltmx.reactNative.sendResult API, you must pass the id parameter to send the result to a particular request instance.

  • args: Object with key-value pairs that is passed from the React Native app to the VoltMX Iris app based on the contract of the VoltMX Iris app.


function callback(id, args) {

    if (args != null & amp; & amp; args["operation"] == "fetchAccounts") {
        // fetchAccounts and store result 
        account1 = {
            name: "voltmx1",
            accountNo: "0123456789",
            accountBalance: "xx".....
        account2 = {
            name: "voltmx2",
            accountNo: "2345678901",
            accountBalance: "xx".....
        resultData = {
            status: "success",
            data: [account1, account2]..
        voltmx.reactNative.sendResult(id, resultData);


Return Value


Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android


This API is used to send a response (for the request) to the React Native app, if the React Native app registers a callback.

Note: This API must be called only once per request to send the result or response. Calling this API more than once per request leads to no operation from the second instance onwards.


voltmx.reactNative.sendResult(id, resultData)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
id Unique identifier of the React Native app (this parameter is received in the callback function of voltmx.reactNative.setCallback API.)
resultData Object with key–value pair elements with key as String and value as JavaScript native data types, such as Number, Boolean, String, Array, and Object.**_Note:_** The VoltMX Iris app must publish the keys of the resultData parameter, in order to predict the resultData value by the React Native app.


var resultData = {
    status: "success",
voltmx.reactNative.sendResult(id, resultData);

Return Value


Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android