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voltmx.anim Namespace

The voltmx.anim namespace is part of the Animation API. It provides the following API elements.


The voltmx.anim namespace provides the following constants.

Animation Effect Constants

These constants are used to select what type of animation will take place.

Constant Description
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_AUTOMATIC Use the default animation style.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_BOTTOM Add the new data at the bottom.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_FADE Fade new data into the current location.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_LEFT Add the new data in from the left.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_MIDDLE Move existing data below the add point downward and insert the new data into the middle.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_NONE No animation effect.
voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_TOP Add the new data from the top.

The following constants are used to define the velocity of animation.

Constant Description
voltmx.anim.EASE Ensures that the timing of your animations matches that of most system animations.
voltmx.anim.EASE_IN Animation begins slowly and then speeds up as it progresses.
voltmx.anim.EASE_OUT Animation begins quickly and then slows down as it progresses.
voltmx.anim.EASE_IN_OUT Animation begins slowly, accelerates through the middle of its duration, and then slow again before completing.
voltmx.anim.Linear Animation to occur evenly over its duration.


These constants are usable with the following widget methods, which are documented in the VoltMX Iris> Widget Programmer's Guide. These methods are available on all widgets that support animation.

  • addDataAt

  • addAll

  • addSectionAt

  • removeAt

  • removeAll

  • removeSectionAt

  • setDataAt

  • setSectionAt

  • SetData

Currently, animations are supported for the SegmentedUI widget.

Example 1

animation = voltmx.anim.ANIMATION_EFFECT_LEFT;
form.segments.addAt(data, sectionIndex, rowIndex, animation);

Example 2

function animateWidget() {
        "100": {
            "stepConfig": {
                "timingFunction": voltmx.anim.EASE_IN_OUT
            "width": "20%",
            "height": "5%"
    }), {
        "delay": 0,
        "iterationCount": 1,
        "fillMode": voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS,
        "duration": 1.5
    }, {
        "animationEnd": null

Animation Fill Mode Constants

Specifies the fill mode being used when performing widgetanimations.

Constant Description
voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_BACKWARDS The values configured in the first step of animation definition are applied to the widget at the beginning of the animation (even before the delay ends). At the end of animation, values are reset to the values, that were there before the start of the animation. Therefore, the widget returns to its starting point after the animation ends.
voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_BOTH The animation is applied twice on the widget. First at the beginning of the animation, before the animation delay with the values configured in the first step of the animation, and second at the end of the animation, with the values configured in the last step of the animation definition.
voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS The values configured in the last step of animation definition are the final values that are applied to the widget at the end of animation. So the widget stays where it is at the end of the animation.
voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_NONE The values in animation definition are never set to the actual widget. In this case, the widget comes back to original state after the animation is completed. This is the default.


function animConfig() {
    var config = {
        "duration": 1,
        "iterationCount": 1,
        "delay": 0,
        "fillMode": voltmx.anim.FILL_MODE_FORWARDS
    return config;