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Session Configuration API


  • By default, if a new background transfer task is created using [‘.backgroundTransfer = true’] a new session is created and this new task is associated with it.
  • now exposes a new method ‘getSession()’ using which the Session identifier associated with the HttpRequest can be obtained.
  • Multiple background tasks can be associated with the same Session by passing the Session identifier returned by <HttpRequestObject>.getSession() to any new ‘’ created there after.
  • getSession() API is applicable only if <HttpRequestObject>.backgroundTransfer = true for a HTTPrequest.
  • When ever a new is created by passing a session identifier then by default backgroundTransfer property will be enabled [‘.backgroundTransfer = true’].

Note: A session object life is dependent on the life of any of the request objects or request object it is associated with. Which means to be certain that a session is alive, any of the request objects or request object with which it is associated should be alive.


var session_identifier = <>.getSession()
//To associate new HTTP Requests created with the same session
= new;

Input Parameters


Return Values

Session identifier for the Session associated with the HttpRequest instance.

JavaScript Example

``` var request = new;

    request.backgroundTransfer = true;

    var url = "";
    voltmx.print(logPrefix + "URL : " + url);, url);

    //request session identifier
        var request_session = request.getSession();

//To associate new HTTP Requests created with the same session

//request 2 var request_2 = new;

//request 3 var request_3 = new;
