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Volt MX Application Design and Development Guidelines: Platform Specific Limitations

Platform Specific Limitations

This section lists the limitations, properties or the widgets not supported by platforms.

Desktop Web Limitations

This section lists the properties that are not supported by the Desktop Web platform.

  • ComboBox and ListBox, skin styles "Transparent" and "One Color" are supported in background color tab.
  • ComboBox and ListBox, browser does not support if the properties defined in font tab and border are different for skin and focusSkin.
  • On Firefox browser, TextBox and TextArea widgets does not support percentage (%) based padding, while other browsers does support.
  • For all widgets in Internet Explorer 7 and 8, transparency ( border/font) is not supported for skin.
  • On safari browser, ListBox and ComboBox widgets does not support padding.
  • Rounded Corners will not work for all widgets in Internet Explorer 8 because of border-radius property is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and its lower versions.
  • Vertical split and Horizontal split will not work for all widgets in Internet Explorer 9 and its lower versions.
  • For non-modal popups (isModal = false), popup transparency (transparencyBehindThePopup) property is not applied as the background widgets are accessible to the user.
  • A valid calendar year selection range is from 1900 to 2099. If you select an year beyond the range shows an alert message (you can customize this error message).
  • In Internet Explorer 8 and below browsers do not support all geolocation APIs.
  • focusSkin applied to the container widgets ( like HBox, VBox, Segment ) is not inherited by the inner widgets in IE browsers (IE8, IE9, IE10). To overcome this apply focusSkin at every widget inside the container widget.
  • For ScrollBox and TabPane widgets, angle background Multi Step Gradient is not supported.
  • Desktop Web platform does not support browser (Internet Explorer 8 ) running in compatibility mode.
  • Vertical gradient and Horizontal gradient are supported for all widgets in Internet Explorer 8 and above versions.
  • Preview of map widget is not supported.
  • On Internet Explorer browsers, focusSkin applied to the widgets CheckBox and RadioButton will work on click of text, but not on icon.
  • For Browser widget, Desktop Web platform supports BROWSER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET option only.
  • Video widget in print API is not supported in Firefox browser.
  • To apply focusSkin for dynamically created widgets, assign focsuSkin dynamically after creating the widget.
formid.widgetid.focusSkin = "skinname";
  • To apply hoverSkin for dynamically created widgets, assign hoverSkin dynamically after creating the widget.
formid.widgetid.hoverSkin = "skinname";
  • In Desktop Web platform, only left, right, and center alignment options can be applied to the content. This limitation is applicable for all widgets.

  • For Browser widget, resetting of URL does not work.

  • In Desktop Web platform, nested containers in a non-percentage HBOX are not supported.

SPA Limitations

This section lists the properties that are not supported by the SPA platform.

  • focusSkin is not supported in Windows NTH and Android devices.
  • For Horizontal Image strip, the stripview and slot view are not supported. If the images are of different size, It is mandatory to mention the width and height property. Else, the alignment of the images may get disturbed on the screen.
  • Only static maps are supported on Windows Phone 7.5 and BlackBerry NTH.
  • The widgets Slider, Chart2D3D, and PickerView widgets are not supported by both the Windows and BlackBerry NTH devices.
  • Opacity should not be applied to form background for Windows Phone 7.5 and may lead to erroneous results.
  • The property secureTextEntry for textarea is not supported in IE (desktop and mobile).
  • HBox position attribute is not supported in SPA (mobile and desktop). Instead use for header / footer to dock elements.
  • showLoadingScreen() should be preferred over blockedUI, as blockedUI cannot cater to multiple service calls which may be either chained or nested depending upon the application logic.
  • setContext for popup, dockable header / footer /appmenu is not supported on Windows Phone 7.5 since it doesn't support absolute positioned elements.
  • A valid calendar year selection range is from 1900 to 2099. If you select an year beyond the range shows an alert message (you can customize this error message).
  • On SPA (Windows 8 and Windows Tablet devices) platform, focusSkin applied to the widgets HBox, VBox, Calendar, ComboBox, ListBox, and SegmentedUI is not inherited by the inner widgets in IE browsers (IE8, IE9, IE10). To overcome this apply focusSkin at every widget inside the container widget.
  • Multi Step Gradient is not supported for all widgets on Windows Mango (IE9) devices.
  • ScrollBox does not support Blur radius option for skins on BB and BB NTH devices.
  • Preview of map widget is not supported.
  • On Windows device browsers, focusSkin applied to the widgets CheckBox and RadioButton will work on click of text, but not on icon.
  • For Browser widget, SPA platform supports BROWSER_REQUEST_METHOD_GET option only.
  • For calendar widget, font color for input cannot be changed for Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) platform.
  • On SPA platform,