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CI_NativeBinary Upload and Publish

User Guide: VoltMX Foundry Command Line Utility - Continuous Integration > CI_NativeBinary Upload and Publish

Continuous Integration for Binary-Upload and Native-Publish

Binary-upload and Native-publish commands are introduced in MFCLI V8 SP4.

  • binary-upload command uploads a client binary to Volt MX Foundry. Supported platforms for client binaries are ios_phone, ios_tablet, android_phone, android_tablet, windows_phone, and web_phone.
  • native-publish command publishes the native binaries to the environment.

binary-upload command

  • To upload a native client binary to a Cloud ( environment
 java -jar mfcli.jar binary-upload -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -a <app name> [-v <app version>] -bp <Path to binary> -plat <platform name> --binary-version <Binary version> --description <Description> --display-name <Display Name> --appIcon <Path to app icon> [-ssdirpath <Path to screenshots directory>] [--upgradable]
 For example:  

        java -jar mfcli.jar binary-upload -u -p password -t 100054321 -a MyApp -v 1.0 -bp "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\iosClient.ipa" -plat ios\_phone --binary-version 1.0.2 --description "This is iphone binary" --display-name "sampleDisplayName" --appIcon "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\icon1.png" -ssdirpath "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\screenshotsDir" \--upgradable
  • To upload a native client binary to an on premise installation
 java -jar mfcli.jar binary-upload -u <user> -p <password> -au <Identity URL> -cu <Console URL> -a <app name> [-v <app version>] -bp <Path to binary> -plat <platform name> --binary-version <Binary version> --description <Description> --appIcon <Path to app icon> [-ssdirpath <Path to screenshots directory>] [--upgradable]

    For example:  
       java -jar mfcli.jar binary-upload -u -p password -au -cu -a MyApp -v 1.0 -bp "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\iosClient.ipa" -plat ios\_phone --binary-version 1.0.2 --description "This is iphone binary" --display-name "sampleDisplayName" --appIcon "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\icon1.png" -ssdirpath "D:\\\\WorkDir\\\\screenshotsDir" \--upgradable
*   The following arguments are supported for the binary-upload command:
 For example, to get summary help on all the commands,  
        java -jar mfcli.jar help binary-upload  

        Usage: Run the self-executable JAR with relevant arguments.   
              -t, --account
               9 digit id of the Volt MX Cloud account (visible in top right corner in Console) for e.g. 100054321. Not relevant for an on-premise installation.
          * -a, --app
               Name of the app to which binary to be uploaded.
               Path to app icon
          * -bp, --binary-path
               Path to the client binary file .ipa or .apk
          * --binary-version
               The version of the client binary.
               Default: 1.0.0  
               Comma separated channel names of web build. Valid values are web_phone,web_tablet,responsive_web
            -cu, --console
               URL of Volt MX Foundry Console (without context path), relevant for on-premise installation only. For e.g.
          * --description
               Description of client binary.  
               Display name of client binary.
            -au, --identity
               URL of Volt MX Foundry Identity Services (without context path), relevant for on-premise installation only. For e.g.
               If specified, multi-factor authentication is enabled. The secret key for multi-factor authentication required for generating one time password (OTP) needs to be specified in the properties file.
               Default: false
            -p, --password
               Password for the Volt MX user. This could be plain text or, encrypted using 'encrypt' command. This is mandatory.
          * -plat, --platform
               The platform of the client binary.
               Possible Values: [ios_phone, ios_tablet, android_phone, android_tablet, windows_phone, web_phone]
            -ssdirpath, --screenshot-directory-path
               Path to the screenshots folder.  
               If true, marks the binary as upgradable in EAS
               Default: false  

            -u, --user
               Volt MX user required for authentication, for e.g. This is mandatory.
            -v, --version
               The app version for which the binary to be uploaded.
               Default: 1.0 

native-publish command

The native-publish command helps you publish the native client binaries to the environment.

  • To publish native client binaries to a Cloud ( environment
 java -jar mfcli.jar native-publish -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -a <app name> [-v <app version>] -e <environment name> -cbmeta <client binary meta>
 For example:  

        java -jar mfcli.jar native-publish -u -p password -t 100054321 -a MyApp -v 2.0 -e MyEnv -cbmeta "{"ios\_phone" : 1.2.1, "android\_phone" : 1.2.0}"
  • To publish native client binaries to an on premise installation
 java -jar mfcli.jar native-publish -u <user> -p <password> -au <Identity URL> -cu <Console URL> -a <app name> [-v <app version>] -e <environment name> -cbmeta <client binary meta>
 For example:  

        java -jar mfcli.jar native-publish -u -p password -au -cu -a MyApp -v 2.0 -e MyEnv -cbmeta "{"ios\_phone" : 1.2.1, "android\_phone" : 1.2.0}"
*   The following arguments are supported for the native-publish command:
 For example, to get summary help on all the commands,  
        java -jar mfcli.jar help native-publish  

        Usage: Run the self-executable JAR with relevant arguments.   
              -t, --account
               9 digit id of the Volt MX Cloud account (visible in top right corner in Console) for e.g. 100054321. Not relevant for an on-premise installation.
          * -a, --app
               Name of the app to be published/unpublished.
          * -cbmeta, --clientbinary-meta
               Json string of native channel name vs binary version
            -cu, --console
               URL of Volt MX Foundry Console (without context path), relevant for on-premise installation only. For e.g.
          * -e, --environment
               Name of the environment to publish to/unpublish from.
            -au, --identity
               URL of Volt MX Foundry Identity Services (without context path), relevant for on-premise installation only. For e.g.
               If specified, multi-factor authentication is enabled. The secret key for multi-factor authentication required for generating one time password (OTP) needs to be specified in the properties file.
               Default: false
            -p, --password
               Password for the Volt MX user. This could be plain text or, encrypted using 'encrypt' command. This is mandatory.
               Forcibly release lock taken by previous operation (use with caution) when doing a publish/unpublish.
               Default: false
            -u, --user
               Volt MX user required for authentication, for e.g. This is mandatory.  
               If specified, prints details of all steps.
               Default: false
            -v, --version
               Version of the app to be published/unpublished.
               Default: 1.0