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Configure Properties Files in WAR Files for Console - JBoss

Volt MX Foundry Console setup consists of configuring properties files in the .war files such as accountsAPI.war, authService.war, mbaasportal.war, apiportal.war and workspaceService.war. For more details, refer to VoltMX Foundry Topology and Components.

Important:  The field names in the properties files of the following .WAR files are the same for all app servers. You must configure the values in the fields based on your app servers.


To configure properties files in the accountsAPI.war file, follow these steps:

  1. Rename the accountsAPI.war  to  accounts.war.
  2. In the `accounts.war/`WEB-INF/classes folder, open the file, and then edit the following parameters.

    #This properties file is NOT meant for individual developer changes,  
  # if you need to overwrite any of the following, please use -DPARAMS locally on your PC!!  

   ACCOUNTS_DB_JNDI_NAME=<ACCOUNTS_JNDI_NAME> # For example, jdbc/voltmxaccounts  
   REPORTS_DB_JNDI_NAME=<REPORTS_JNDI_NAME>   # For example, jdbc/voltmxreports  

 # Dialect string for MySQL **org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect**  
 # Dialect string for DB2 **org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect**  
 # Dialect string for Oracle **org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect**  
 # Dialect string for SQL Server **org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect**  

  ORACLE_SID=<Oracle ServiceID/ServiceName> TXN_ISOLATION_LEVEL=2  

  ACCOUNTS_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<ANY_RANDOM_GUID like "8bf8cae5-d25e-497c-93b8-72300eab45d1">


3.  In the `` file, configure the following properties with proper values, shown below.
    *   For JBoss, change the value of <ACCOUNTS\_JNDI\_NAME> = jdbc/voltmxaccounts
    *   > **_Important:_** Enter the appropriate path for LOG\_LOCATION=<INSTLL\_DIR>.  
        For example:  
        \- For Windows: <C:/VoltMXFoundry>  
        \- For Linux: </home/user/VoltMXFoundry>


To configure properties files in the mbaasportal.war file, follow these steps:

1.  Rename the `mbaasportal.war`  to  `mfconsole.war`.
2.  In the `mfconsole.war/``WEB-INF/classes`, open the `` file, and then edit the following parameters.


    WAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<Any random GUID like 3bcf2351-a3e5-44b3-ac06-ff1bd5f738cd>  
    mobileFoundryVersion=<Version of Volt MX Foundry>


To configure properties files in the workspaceService.war file, follow these steps:

1.  Rename the `workspaceService.war`  to  `workspace.war`.
2.  In the  `workspace.war/``WEB-INF/classes`, open the `` file, and then edit the following parameters.

RDS_DB_TYPE=<Database Type>  
WORKSPACESDB_NAME=<Workspace Service Database Name>  
WAASGLOBALDB_NAME=<Workspace Service Database Name>  
RDS_HOSTNAME=<Dataserver IP/Hostname>  
RDS_PORT=<Database port>  
APPSERVER_TYPE=<Application Server Type>  
WAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<ANY_RANDOM_GUID like "3bcf2351-a3e5-44b3-ac06-ff1bd5f738cd">  
hibernate.dialect=<DB Dialect>  
# Dialect string for MySQL **org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect**  
# Dialect string for DB2 **org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect**  
# Dialect string for Oracle **org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect**  
# Dialect string for SQL Server **org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect**\# Dialect string for DB2 **org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect**  
ORACLE\_SID=<Oracle ServiceID/ServiceName> TXN_ISOLATION_LEVEL=2

3.  In the `` file, configure the following properties with proper values, shown below:

    *   RDS\_DB\_TYPE=<Database Type>. For example, RDS\_DB\_TYPE=MySQL, MSSQL, ORACLE, or DB2.
    *   APPSERVER\_TYPE=<Application server type>. For example, APPSERVER\_TYPE=`JBOSS`

    > **_Important:_** Enter the appropriate path for LOG\_LOCATION=<USER\_INSTALL\_DIR>.  
    For example:  
    \- For Windows: <C:/VoltMXFoundry>  
    \- For Linux: </home/user/VoltMXFoundry>


Configure apiportal.war to install developer portal with Volt MX Foundry console. A developer portal is used to connect to various back-end systems and expose the data as standard RESTful APIs that are protected by standard oAuth 2.0.

**Perform the following action, to configure** **apiportal.war** **file:**

1.  In the `apiportal.war/``WEB-INF/classes`, open the `` file, and then edit the following parameters.

VOLTMX_ACCOUNT_API_BASE_URL=/accounts/api/v1_0/ LOG_LEVEL=INFO LOG_OPTION=logfile LOG_LOCATION=/logs/apiportal