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Subscribers List

The Subscribers List step provides details of subscribers of the application. Any request made by the user, for example, to deactivate the subscription, can be updated on this screen itself. For example, if Admin want to set a user subscription or cloud subscription as active or inactive.

Important: In Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services, you can configure three basic APIs in two forms such as subscription, unsubscription, and push notification.

To modify subscribers list, follow these steps:

  1. In the Applications home screen, under Application Name, click one of the applications link that you want to view or make changes.

    The View Application screen of the selected application appears. By default, the App Info tab is set to active.

  2. Click the Subscribers List step. The Subscribers List step displays all subscribers who subscribed for push notifications for a particular application.

    In the Subscribers list view, you can modify only the Subscription Status column as Active or Inactive to stop or resume push notifications to subscribers.When an unsubscribe request is sent to Push Notification Services, the system sets the status in the Cloud Status column.

    The Subscribers List grid contains the following details:

    • Search All fields box:Helps you to search all fields in the grid of the Subscribers List screen. You can also sort any column by using the search fields.
    • Reconciliation Key - Email: This field displays the name of the reconciliation key that is set by Administrator.

      Important: Reconciliation key is a must for audience members to get reconciled with the subscribers. It is a must for sending messages to audience members only. You must define reconciliation key in the Administration module of Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services.

    • Ksid: The column displays Volt MX Subscription Identification serial numbers of the application. The KSID is used to communicate with Volt MX Foundry Engagement  Server. The Ksid is generated by Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services based on the details provided when you send request for subscription such as application id, device id, and SID.You can use the search field to search the Subscribers based on specific Ksid.

    • Name: This column displays names of the added audience members of the application. The Name column contains a combination of the First Name and the Last Name of audience members.You can use the search field to search the Subscribers based on specific name.
    • Reconciliation Key: This column displays reconciliation key values.Reconciliation key, for example email, is used to map between the Audience Member and Subscribers. You can use the search field to search the Subscribers based on a reconciliation key.
    • Device ID : This column displays device IDs of registered devices. When an application registers for push notifications, the device id of the mobile device is registered in the Push Notification Service (PNS). When PNS wants to send a push message, the cloud uses the device token to locate the device on which the client application is installed, and then sends a push notification. You can use the search field to search the Subscribers based on a device id.
    • Subscription Token: This column displays subscription tokens of a particular app from cloud for that device.You can use the search field to search the Subscribers based on a subscription token.
    • Platform: This column displays a list of targeted platforms configured for the application.You can use the filter in the Platforms column to sort applications based on a specific platform.
    • Cloud Status: This column displays cloud status of the subscribers as Active or Inactive.You can use filter in the Cloud Status columns to sort the subscribers based on the status.

      Important: Only subscribers' with the cloud status configured as Active are enabled to receive push notifications.
      If any subscribers' status for Cloud or Subscription is Inactive, then those subscribers will not receive push messages.

      Important: Based on the confirmation, the device can send a unsubscription request to Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services to update the cloud/subscription status.

    • Subscription Status: This column displays status of subscribers who are authorized to receive push notifications from Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services. If subscription status is inactive, user will not be able to push notifications from Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services.You can use filter in the Subscription Status columns to sort the subscribers based on the status.

    • Display controls: By default, the number range is set to 10 so that only 10 subscribers are displayed in the grid. You can view more screens by navigating through the Forward arrow icon. You can move back through the Backward arrow icon.
  3. Click the Save button to save the changes. The sysem displays the confirmation message that application updated successfully.

  4. Click the Submit button to submit the application.The system displays the application home screen with the confirmation message that application updated successfully.
  5. Click the Cancel button to exit from the View Application screen. The system displays the Applications home screen.