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Get User Details by Subscription ID

The Get User Details by Subscription ID API accepts the KSID as an input parameter and returns the user details.


The HTTP URL for the Get User Details by Subscription ID API is:




Output Parameters

The following fields are output parameters:

Output Parameter Type Description
lastName string Last name of the user
country string Country to which the user belongs to
pushSubscription boolean Defines if the subscription for pushes is true or false
createdDateStr string The date and time when the user was initially created
campaignsSent long Total number of the campaigns sent to the user
mobileNumber long Mobile number of the user
phonenumber long Phone number of the user
active boolean Defines if the user is active or inactive
smsSubscription boolean Defines if the SMS subscription is true or false
voiceSubscription boolean Defines if the Voice SMS subscription is true or false
pushesSent long Number of pushes sent to the user
firstName string First name of the user
lastModifiedDateStr long The date on which a user was last modified
County Zip code string Optional user attribute
Driving License string Optional user attribute
Street Address string Optional user attribute
Social Security No. string Optional user attribute
emailSubscription boolean Defines if the email subscription is true or false
id long Unique ID assigned to the audience member
state string If the user is not a USA national, the response displays a blank string
email string Email ID of the audience member
lastActiveDateStr string The date when the user is last active

Sample Response

  "lastName" : "Hale",
  "country" : "India",
  "pushSubscription" : true,
  "createdDateStr" : "06/28/2016 12:19:41 PM IST",
  "campaignsSent" : 3,
  "mobileNumber" : "+917704894373",
  "phonenumber" : "4072908110",
  "active" : true,
  "smsSubscription" : true,
  "voiceSubscription" : true,
  "pushesSent" : 24,
  "firstName" : "Aron",
  "lastModifiedDateStr" : "09/15/2016 09:55:19 PM IST",
  "County Zip code" : "",
  "Driving License" : "",
  "Street Address" : "",
  "Social Security No." : "",
  "emailSubscription" : true,
  "id" : "5979294531974952062",
  "state" : "",
  "email" : "",
  "lastActiveDateStr" : "12/23/2018 12:08:59 PM"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Array of user details
Status 400 No audience member found mapping to the given KSID or audience ID
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process requestFailed to process the request