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Bulk Message Upload

The Bulk Message Upload API is provided for clients who want to upload large batches of individual messages included in a CSV format. Once the .CSV file is uploaded successfully, the messages are queued into the Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services to start sending message notifications.

Post data should have a key as uploadFile for the uploaded file.

Important: The Bulk Message Upload API is maintained here to preserve backward compatibility. We encourage you to use Bulk Push

CSV File Format

  • Bulk messages can be processed in one time.
  • CSV should have data in the following order:
  • APP_ID
  • MESSAGE_DATA contains the message to be sent / pushed
  • The first line can be with or without a header line.


The key values can be provided either in the URL or as part of the post data. URL is on priority.

http://<host or ip>:<port>/vpns/service/bulkmessage?DELIMITER=%7c&SOURCE_FORMAT=APP_ID%2cSUBSCRIBERS_KSID%2cMESSAGE_DATA&IGNORE_ROW=false

The following table details the key-values.

Key Value

Note: The values of IGNORE_ROW can be either true or false.

  • True means there is a header in the CSV file.
  • False means there is no header in the CSV file.



Input Parameters

Input parameters are appended at the end of the URL.

Note: '%7c' is encoded value of '|' and '%2c' is of ',' Delimiters

  • APP_ID: Application ID is a unique key used to identify the subscribed application.
  • SUBSCRIBER_KSID: Volt MX Subscription Identification number of the application. For more details, refer to Ksid
  • MESSAGE_DATA contains the message to be sent / pushed

Sample CSV File Format with Delimiter as '|' symbol

excel|11|Test Message.  
excel|12|Test Message.  
excel|21|Test Message.  
excel|32|Test Message.  
excel|22|Test Message.

Response Code

Code Description
400 Choose a valid file to upload data
400 Invalid content in the uploaded file @ line 1
200 Messages queued successfully